An Ode to the Best Ladies in Our Lives

An Ode to the Best Ladies in Our Lives

by: Jess Thore

In honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, the Cultivate team thought we’d hop on and share about a quick blurb about some of the best ladies in our lives-our mommas!

When I asked my mom what advice she had for me when looking back at life with two kids (my brother and me), she immediately offered these words: “Maybe it was more important to stop and smell the roses.” Maybe, instead of trying to get it all done, it’s more important to let it be. And so we do. We literally stop on our neighborhood walks to smell the roses and marvel at the good things growing right in front of us. Her advice has cultivated in me a desire to interrupt my own thoughts, worries, plans, and predispositions in favor of listening, seeing, and tasting that the Lord is good in all seasons, right where we are. -Lara

One of the best things I learned from my mother is that true sacrifice is silent. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized the ways she (and my father) quietly made decisions to ensure that my siblings and I had more than we needed. Both of my parents worked long jobs-my mother was often on her feet for 12 hours a day at her restaurant. We rarely heard her complain about having to work, and we never heard her blame it on our extracurricular activities, back-to-school shopping, or college savings. Her quietness in serving others has taught me so much in selflessness. -Jess

My mother has always been a creator. Growing up, she ran a alterations shop, always crafted Christmas ornaments and photo albums with us, and taught me and my sister how to sew, crochet, embroider, and cook. There are few things she believes we can’t do ourselves, and every time we chat about something new we want to do, her response is always, “try and see.” My mom jumps into projects with excitement, always anticipating something good will come of it, even when it’s her first time. It’s something that I try to remind myself when I’m caught up in self-doubt or get too analytical — anything is worth a try. -Nicole

Photo by Tanja Lippert

For most of my life, my Mom drove a white minivan that was known around our town as the Jellybean. My sisters and I were okay with it when we were younger, but by the time we were in high school and the van had aged considerably, we would not be caught dead driving it. My Mom, however, drove it happily, even saying that she preferred it to some of our family’s newer options. That may or may not have been true, but her example of not deriving her value from the type of car she drove, and of valuing other things (college payments!) over a new car, has made a huge impact on my life. And oh, how the tides have turned: I’m now proud to drive an 11-year-old car myself! -Emily

Growing up, my mom always placed a high importance on relationships and little acts of kindness. I remember at a young age watching her put together little gift bags and treats on every holiday for special people in life — whether co-workers, friends, or even the babysitter. She always felt it was important to make others feel important and cared for through little gifts and surprises. Not to mention, she enjoyed it as a way to celebrate the little holidays along the way! I’m grateful for her instilling that spirit in me. To this day, I love finding little gifts for friends and people in my life and surprising them! -Amber

I’d love to hear from you below! What have you learned from a mother figure in your life! After you leave a comment, download our notecard and write a note of gratitude for her. We can guarantee it will brighten her day!

We know that while Mother’s Day is a joyful celebration for some, it is also a time of suffering for others. For those struggling with infertility longing to be a mother, those grieving miscarriages, those who grew up with an estranged mother figure. We want you to know that wherever you are, we see you, and we hope you can join us in celebrating the ladies-mother or not-in your life who have loved and encouraged you. 

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