30 Ways to Make Progress on Your Goals with the Little by Little Challenge

30 Ways to Make Progress on Your Goals with the Little by Little Challenge

Friends, we are so proud of you!! We're a quarter through the year, and you are working HARD at what matters!

We know because we see it - in the PowerSheets® photos you share, the Tending Lists you post, the encouragement you gift each other, and the updates you give us on our social channels and in our inboxes.

We're listening, and this is what we hear. You're beginning to see some fruit, but you're mostly still in the "farmer's faith" stage of growing good things: you've planted the seeds, but the growth is either still underground, or just beginning to poke its head through the dirt.

Do you feel like you're working hard but haven't yet seen the results that you want? Keep going. There's a reason "little by little" is the Cultivator's anthem! Small, consistent steps forward are the most effective way to make progress and see longterm results.

And this April, we're taking it to another level. Just as, by the end of the month, flowers will change from tightly-closed buds to beautiful blooms, we're believing that a month of little-by-little progress will add up to a BIG leap forward from beginning to end!

So, join us for our first ever Little by Little Challenge this month - 30 days of making progress on what matters! 

How to participate: Commit to making one step forward on one of your goals every day this April. That's it! The little by little will add up!

Where you'll find us: On our social channels, we'll be sharing 30 actionable things (one every day) to help you make progress on your goals - one for each day. Look for practical tips, pep talks, pieces of encouragement, inspiring examples from the PowerSheets community, and lots of fun along the way!

If you're a PowerSheets user, be sure to hop on our email list and join the PowerSheets Facebook group for bonus content and encouragement throughout the month!

Don't have your PowerSheets yet? Now is the PERFECT time to get them! Buy them now, have them in hand to begin the challenge with us, and by the time April is over, you'll have already made progress on what matters most to you. We'll be with you every step of the way!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.