21 Uses for Your Cultivate Accessory Pouch

21 Uses for Your Cultivate Accessory Pouch

Pencils? Check! Pens? Of course! But did you know that the Cultivate accessory pouch can be used for so much more than just desk supplies? Inspired by this community's creativity, here are 21 more ways to use your favorite zippered pouch:
  1. A home for all your Cultivate stickers (book and loose sheets) and Tending Tape
  2. A touch-up kit in your purse (mini deodorant, lip balm, band-aids, elastic band and pins, sunscreen)
  3. A colorful clutch for any night out (see how cute it looks at a wedding here!)
  4. As a "happy mail" kit -- keep all your postcards, cards, envelopes, and stamps in one place so you're ready to send a thank you note or encouraging message at a moment's notice
  5. A snack bag for life's hungry moments (your pouch is fully wipeable inside and out, so don't worry about any chocolate smears!)
  6. A COVID-friendly spot for your assortment of masks and hand sanitizers
  7. A toy bag to keep your littles entertained (the Cultivate Kids recommend LEGOS or little animal figurines!)
  8. A picnic kit for all your to-go meals -- extra sauces, napkins, silverware, and wet wipes 
  9. A spot for your tech accessories (chargers, headphones, cases, extra cords)
  10. A phone bag to help you unplug and live in the moment
  11. A first aid kit for your car or linen closet
  12. As wrapping for a teacher or babysitter gift - tuck in a gift card or another small treat! 
  13. A travel-ready makeup bag
  14. A gift-wrapping station. Slide in your sharpest scissors, tape, tags, and ribbon and tote it to wherever you roll out your wrapping paper.
  15. As a sand-free spot in your beach bag, for things like your phone, sunglasses, and wallet
  16. As a hold-all for next season's garden seeds
  17. A receipt receptacle (perfect for homemakers and business owners alike!)
  18. A sewing kit: keep extra buttons, pins, and thread in one place
  19. A craft party-in-a-bag to keep little ones entertained (think: sequins, pipe cleaners, pom poms, googly eyes... and glitter if you dare)
  20. A college care package, stuffed with goodies and everyday essentials for your favorite college student
  21. A fanny pack.... they're back in style, right?!
These ideas, friends, are just scratching the surface. We'd love to hear: what do you use your accessory pouch for?

P.S. Want all the updates on the new collection (including new pouches!)? Sign up here!

1 comment

These are such great ideas! Thank you :)


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