2017 Goals Round-Up

2017 Goals Round-Up

Can I tell you a secret? One of my favorite parts of managing the social channels for Cultivate What Matters is coming across your PowerSheets when browsing the PowerSheets hashtag! (Seriously, if you need some encouragement, just head over there!) My particular favorites are reading each of your blog posts about your annual and monthly goals! I love when you share them on social media or in the PowerSheets Facebook group, and the Cultivate team decided I probably wasn’t the only one who would enjoy it!

The whole reason we changed the name of our business last year was because we knew we needed a platform to tell other people’s stories-YOUR stories! We’re starting a new Goal Round-Up Series on the Cultivate What Matters blog where we’ll be sharing goals from each of YOU throughout the year!

Keep sharing your goals with us each month so that we can cheer you on! The PowerSheets and Cultivate What Matters community has evolved into something bigger than we could have ever imagined-something bigger than us, and we are grateful for the opportunity to encourage each of you to cultivate what matter!

So, without further ado, some of the wonderful blog posts about some of your 2017 Goals!

Photo by Courtney Price

For it being her first time using PowerSheets, Kristen set some exciting goals for 2017 in both her personal life and professional photography business!

I love how Natalie chose core words that correspond with each of her goals for the year!

Kyla’s encouragement that goal setting looks differently for everyone and gracious reminder that it’s okay for your goals to look different than others!

Stephanie chose her word for the year and set her goals for 2017 knowing that the arrival of her firstborn in March would mean she was entering into a new season. This post is full of great encouragement for the momma-to-be’s out there!


Photo by Valerie Woerner (Val’s 2017 Goals)

Amanda makes a great distinction between planning and doing when it comes to goals, and we’re excited to cheer her on in 2017!

Our very own Emily Thomas shared her guideposts for 2017, and I can personally assure you her perspective on so many things-goal-setting including-will be a welcome breath of fresh air for you!

We’re often asked about how to incorporate your faith into goal-setting, and Allyn did a great job aligning each of her 2017 goals with a piece of Scripture.

Not only does Laken share her 2017 goals, but she also shares her biggest lesson from 2016 and what she’s letting go of this year! Thanks for your transparency, Laken!

If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, we’d love to see them! Feel free to drop them in the comments, too-no fancy blog required! We can’t wait to take a peek and cheer you on!

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Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

Goal School

Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.