Welcome to Mid-Year Goals Prep Week

Welcome to Mid-Year Goals Prep Week

Today kicks off an exciting week in the Cultivate office: Mid-Year Goals Prep Week! Whether you’re a brand new PowerSheets user or want some extra encouragement to keep tending to those goals, there’s something this week for you.

The most important thing this week?

Take one step forward. Just one!

We believe there’s power in each and every intentional step you take. If you take more than one step forward, that’s great, too!

What do you need to move forward on your goals and take that one step? Choose your adventure this week:

Need a kick in the pants? Join us for daily live coaching.
Need help getting started with your PowerSheets? Read on in this post!
Need some goal-getter friends to cheer you on? Cultivate Community Groups are here!
Need some real-life examples from others? Be sure to follow us on social for inspiring stories and daily pep talks.
Need some motivation to take that action step you’ve been putting off? This is where we’re gonna get a little crazy. We’re going to take those action steps LIVE together!

But first, I’m going to ask you a question: What can you do right now to love your December self well?

Is there something you can say no to, giving you room for something more important?

Can you make a decision now that will bear fruit by the time December rolls around?

What habit could cultivate now that will help you love your December self well?

If you’re like me, I’ll bet you have an answer for each of these questions! Where I want to be in December doesn’t happen overnight. Others might believe in quick fixes, but around here, we cultivators embrace little by little progress.

And that’s what this week is all about. By spending time working on our PowerSheets together, we’re going plant the seeds now for the good things we want to grow in the second half of the year!

Brand new to PowerSheets? How exciting! Over the course of this week, we’ll break down our proven process and walk you through your workbook day-by-day and page-by-page. The PowerSheets Prep Work has instructions on each worksheet for you to get started (it’s like having a coach in your back pocket!), but the Cultivate team wants to take it one step further and cheer you on. Each day, a different CWM gal will walk you through a piece of the PowerSheets Prep Work on Facebook Live at 3 pm ET. Sign up to join us!

Have goals you want to make progress on? Consider us your biggest cheerleaders! We’ve created a Cultivate Goal-Getter’s Board in the office to celebrate YOU! When you take just ONE step on any of your goals this week, tell us! Leave a comment on Instagram or tell us in a Facebook Live, and we’ll add your name to our board. Just like the progress bars on your Tending List, there’s something exciting about seeing visual proof of progress!

Need some extra encouragement from fellow PowerSheets friends? Join our PowerSheets Facebook Group to find like-minded ladies near you! Once you do, consider starting (or joining!) a monthly meet-up with local friends using our brand new Community Groups resources.


Your turn! Leave a comment and let us know if you have your PowerSheets in hand and are planning to tune in this week! Introduce yourself. Tell us where you live! How are you feeling about your goals? I’d love to see how many friends we’ll be spending time with this week!

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