Unsure if PowerSheets are for you? Let's talk!

Unsure if PowerSheets are for you? Let's talk!

There's a quote I can't get out of my head—"you grow what you sow."  I find myself jotting it down on my Tending List, thinking about it throughout the day, and repeating it to my kiddos when dropping them off at school. 

It's appropriate for us Cultivators, isn't it?
 We can choose to stay stuck in our current patch of dirt, sowing seeds of frustration, indecision, and fear. Or, we can take a bold step forward in the hopes of growing something new. 

Maybe a set of 2020 PowerSheets® is your bold step forward. PowerSheets are for the dreamer and the doer (students, empty-nesters, corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, love-at-home moms)—women in any season of life who need a grace-filled system that works. They CAN help you (yes, YOU!). 

We've witnessed thousands of women uncover their unique path towards a life that matters to them. With PowerSheets, women have simplified their schedule, cleared away distractions, and have made real progress on goals that lead to a life of joy, contentment, and purpose —no hustling required

Still on the fence, unsure whether PowerSheets are for you? We'd love to answer your questions and help you knock down the barriers between you and something new—something really good—in 2020. We included some encouragement and stories from real-life PowerSheet users to help you decide—they've all put PowerSheets to the test in their own lives! 

"I've already tried a lot of different ways to do goal setting—I feel defeated! What if I don't follow through?" 
The PowerSheets proven process combines the best psychological and neuroscience research with a little Cultivate magic for a way of setting and achieving goals that's like nothing you've experienced before. We start by uncovering your why (the golden question!), and use it to set goals that are right for you and the season you're in.

Then, this community is with you every step of the way as you break down your goals and achieve them little by little, focusing on growing slowly without worrying about perfection. We've taken the overwhelm out of the goal-setting process, and added a whole lot of fun —and the results speak for themselves!

Says Jana, "I absolutely adore the PowerSheets!! Never has a planner or a goal-setting program worked so well for me. I had no idea how to define my goals or dreams before, but the PowerSheets process is thorough without being burdensome." 

"I don't know if this is how I want to spend my money."

There are better and worse ways to spend money, and hands-down one of the best is to buy time—and that's exactly what PowerSheets will do for you. By helping you streamline your actions, cut out waste, and clear away distractions, you'll find yourself with more time for the things that lead to greater joy and satisfaction—whatever that might mean to you. For more on whether PowerSheets are "worth it," read this.

Says Sarah, PowerSheets are "EMPOWERING!! You've helped me give my life direction and there's so much less wasting of time." 

"I can figure this out on my own. I'll grab a notebook and jot down a to-do list for each day!"

We tend to value the things we spend money on (no surprise there!). By saying "yes" to PowerSheets, you're making a pact with yourself to do life differently in 2019—differently than the people around you, and perhaps differently than you've ever done life before.

Plus, your PowerSheets come with built-in accountability and expert coaching that no notebook can match. The design is beautiful, and the thoughtful layout will guide you seamlessly on a yearlong process of uncovering and achieving your goals. Take that, notebook!

Says Emi, PowerSheets are "SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOUR OWN NOTEBOOK. If you are on the fence about purchasing because you are thinking, "can't I just write it in my own notebook?" The answer is twofold: Yes, you can write it in your own notebook, but NO, it's not the same. You'll understand what I mean after you get your own! I'm so excited about 2020 PowerSheets!!!!"

"Goal setting just doesn't work for me."
If there's something in your life you'd like to change or make better, and you believe that change is possible, then goal setting can work for you.  The three-step proven process and unique features of the PowerSheets are supported by extensive research that allows you to uncover the right goals for your season of life and help you take steps, little by little, to make them a reality!

Coni says, "This is the first time I've actually enjoyed goal planning, and I think that's because this process is so refreshingly different from anything else I've ever tried."

Jana says, " I ABSOLUTELY ADORE POWERSHEETS!! Never has a planner or a goal-setting program worked so well for me. I had no idea how to define my goals or dreams before, but the PowerSheet process is thorough without being burdensome."

Wendy adds, "SO HELPFUL. I am not a goal setter, but this makes it so easy for me to break my goals down and really see my own progress."

"There are too many options! I can't choose a cover. I'll just wait until next year."
No matter what cover you choose, you can't go wrong! If you're stuck, allow Cultivate Color Theory to guide your choice. Plus, as veteran PowerSheets users will tell you, most of us leave our planners open to the month's Tending List —so as beautiful as the covers are, you won't see yours too often! Make a bold decision, and then make it the right one! 

Gena wraps things up very kindly, saying, "LOVE TEAM CULTIVATE!! The customer service is amazing! The product is beautiful! The delivery is well thought-out and lovely! The process is necessary! Order. Take action. Complete your Sheets. Up-level your journey."

Are you ready to uncover your best goals alongside us? Shop the 2020 PowerSheets Collection NOW! Today is your day, friend! 

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