TODAY ONLY: Get the Cultivate Book for $1.99 on Kindle

TODAY ONLY: Get the Cultivate Book for $1.99 on Kindle

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! TODAY ONLY, treat yourself to Lara’s second book Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life for your e-reader for only $1.99 today!

You don’t need a Kindle or e-reader to read electronic books. You can download the Kindle app for your iPhone or laptop and read them there. If you’ve been wanting to add Lara’s book to your library, today is the day!

Head to Lara’s blog to read an excerpt!

Already own the Cultivate book? Head to the shop to stock up on other goodies! Use the code LETSCULTIVATE for 25% off your entire order through Friday!

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