The First-Ever Making Things Happen Online

The First-Ever Making Things Happen Online

For more than a decade, women just like you have gathered together for the Making Things Happen Conference  a dynamic two-day experience led by Cultivate's CEO and Founder, Lara Casey. For the last several years, the setting has been the Carolina Inn here in Chapel Hill, but when 2020 took an unexpected turn, we pivoted, too. Earlier this summer, Lara led 75 women through the first-ever virtual Making Things Happen Conference, and we thought you might like to take a peek! Spoiler alert: it exceeded our (and attendees') wildest expectations!

Let's start with what stayed the same: our wonderful attendees (from all over the world!) were led through the same impactful curriculum and heard from inspiring, action-packed speakers, just like they always do. MTH is known for its probing, introspective questions and the vulnerability it requires, and many attendees reported feeling even more ready to go deep because they were in the comfortable, familiar setting of their homes - a hidden bonus to bringing the experience virtual!

MTH is a time set apart from the noise of the world, and though we couldn't exactly recreate that experience for our guests from a distance, we did our best! Each attendee was sent a giant box of goodies to unpack over the days of the conference, including a custom bag to tuck away their turned off phone, the signature MTH workbook, surprises from the Cultivate shop, and goodies to refresh after long days of heart work.

Dance breaks with Gina were a highlight as always, along with hearing from speakers, splitting off into breakout groups (Zoom makes it easy!), and Fireside Chats to connect and download each evening. As attendee Kimberly told us, she was able to "reconnect with myself and find out what truly matters in my current season without the noise of the world."

Making Things Happen conference isn't just about listening and learning from amazing women–it's about taking the time for yourself to learn to say NO to what is holding you back, and YES to your unique purpose.

"I would say that an investment in MTH is an investment in one's self. No matter how self-aware you think you are, this conference will introduce (or, in my case, re-introduce) you to someone you didn't know (or forgot) was inside, ready to make a difference."  Kayla

Making things Happen is about connecting with and being encouraged by like-minded women–even virtually!

"I felt so comfortable! I felt like I could participate and share and connect but I was in a physical space that only I was in. This gave me some “safety.” I love connecting with people but I am also an introvert. I tend to be shyer in person and I shared more at MTH virtually than I may have shared in person. Having gone through it, and seeing how successful it felt virtually, I would be ok to participate virtually again."  – Monica

Making Things Happen is about relentlessly pursuing what matters most.
"You will come away from the conference with a full heart and clear vision that will impact the people and world around you. Both times I have attended the ripple effect on my family, friends, and clients have been huge. I am able to live authentically, prune the unhealthy, and love better. If you are considering it, let the good of those you love and serve be a factor in your decision." – Elizabeth

MTH is unlike any other conference. When you attend, you'll uncover what matters and take steps to do something about it. When you join us at Making Things happen, you'll join a family of more than 1,000 other like-minded women across the world who has chosen to take the leap and make what matters happen.

We would love to have you join in 2021 at Making Things Happen! Sign up below to receive information on dates and details as soon as it's available:
P.s. We are so grateful for our generous sponsors Chapel Hill Toffee and RB Soap Co. for graciously supplying our attendees and speakers with delicious and relaxing goodies!

All photos by Traci Huffman Photography

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