Take your next best step on Cultivate What Matters Day

Take your next best step on Cultivate What Matters Day

You know that feeling when a goal you've set looks like one giant (very intimidating, pretty much impossible) leap? You know the goal is good, and that there is purpose on the other side, but you're tempted to let this one sit on the back burner for now. You tell yourself you'll get started when:

You have more time.
You have control over the rest of your life. 
All of the steps are clear. 

I'm seeing some hands raised :)

The cycle is hard to break, which is why 80% of New Year's resolutions are forgotten completely by February 15th. We all love the clean slate of January 1st, but it's also human nature to choose the path of least resistance—and that's to stay the same. 

But not you! Together, we're bucking the statistic.

It's Cultivate What Matters Day, a day to make progress on a goal that matters to you! Today, you're going to take the first step on that one goal that feels too hard or too big (you know the one!). Imagine how good it will feel to get started—to let go of perfection and focus on progress.  

It will feel so good. And we're going to do it together, because we're cultivators!

Instead of looking at other people's goals and lives...
You're setting the right goals for your season.

Instead of believing in overnight results...
Your little by little progress is adding up.

Instead of putting things off...
You're getting your hands dirty and starting now.

Instead of ignoring what's not working...
You're being honest with yourself to move forward.

Instead of focusing only on the result at the finish line...
You're learning to love your life right now.

Instead of going through the motions...
You're living on purpose.

Instead of living by accident, not setting goals at all...
You're loving your purpose-filled goals.

Instead of quitting at the first sign of imperfection...
You're sticking with it.

Instead of doing it alone...
We're here with you every step of the way.

Your three steps for today:

1. Right now, open up your PowerSheets® to page 64 - your 2019 Goals page. Read through your goals again, and ask yourself: what goal have you made the least amount of progress on? Which is the one goal you've been putting off?

2. Have a goal in mind? Revisit your why - remind yourself why that goal matters deeply to you!

3. Choose one action step you can take RIGHT NOW. It should be simple, concrete, and take you five minutes or less! Maybe this looks like booking an appointment, sending an email, requesting a book at the library, or setting up grocery delivery.

Big or small, the most important thing is that you are taking one small step forward on something that matters to you. You're making progress!

Take that one step.
One step closer to a healthy body and mind. 
One step closer to a balanced work life.

One step closer to your purpose. 

We'll be with you every step of the way! Our team is sharing our next step on Instagram today and we'd love for you to join us. We'll also be going LIVE on Instagram at 1pm ET to talk about your next step!

Not sure what your next step is? Start with mini goals. 
Don't know why you're stuck? Make sure your goal is right for you.

Need some inspiration? We've rounded up solid starting steps.

Keep the momentum going long after February by joining our community and ordering your PowerSheets if you haven't already. A new 6-month bundle launched today in the shop, and ALL orders today and tomorrow include a FREE sticky note set! Stick with it, you know! ;)

We want to hear from you! What one step did you take today? Tell us below in the comments!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

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Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.