September Goals Round-Up

September Goals Round-Up

Happy September, friends! It’s that time of the month where we share a monthly goals round-up! If you read our 2017 Goals Round-Up, you know that I’m a big fan of reading all of your goals for the year and cheering you on!

Is it me, or does Labor Day typically mark the beginning of fall in your minds? I know we have a few weeks left, but something about the packed up white jeans and grocery shelves stocked with pumpkins makes me excited for the month ahead. And I will always welcome a fresh season!

This month’s September PowerSheets Goals Round-Up is about celebrating the little by little progress we made at the end of the summer and continuing to work towards cultivating what matters in our lives!

Photo by PowerSheets user @CBriWalter

Allie’s September Tending List is a great example of how to combine work and personal goals in your PowerSheets.

Need some guidance on tackling the Goal Refresh in your PowerSheets? Head to Lynn’s blog to see how she revisited her goals for the year and hear about her progress.

The great thing daily goals on your PowerSheets is the ability to use it to track goals that you want to become habits, regardless of how big or small they seem. We love Emily’s honesty about one her daily goals.

Want to see how to use PowerSheets in a season of transition? Mary’s August recap is the perfect place to start.

Photo by PowerSheets user @JazzSews

Rachel’s words of encouragement at the end of the post were just what I needed to hear: "I’m giving myself grace for not always being productive. A time for rest and peace is so important.”

I love how Diana tracks the number of days she accomplishes her daily goals. It helps her see where she’s made progress, and it gives her grace to miss a few days, too.

One of my favorite weekly goals I’ve seen in a while is Amanda’s goal to “create something” each week. It’s a great way to keep her creative juices flowing!

If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, we’d love to see them! Feel free to drop them in the comments, too-no fancy blog required! We can’t wait to take a peek into what this month holds and cheer you on! Want to stay in the know about our 2018 PowerSheets launch, sign up for inbox updates and sneak peeks!

Remember, keep sharing your goals with us each month so that we can cheer you on! Whether you’re posting in our PowerSheets Facebook Group, leaving us a comment on social media, or using the #PowerSheets hashtag, we love seeing what you are working towards each month!

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