Now Is Your Time (and a SURPRISE SALE!)

Now Is Your Time (and a SURPRISE SALE!)

Want to know one of my top life tips?

Ask questions and be open to unexpected answers.

Think about it. How did you learn about the things you love most? You asked questions. You sought answers. When we stop asking questions, we stop growing. I love the questions you all have been asking me lately.

The top three questions I get asked:

1. How do you begin to figure out what your goals/passions are?
2. How do you overcome fear of failing in your goals?
3. How do you stay motivated?

My answers to all three questions? My PowerSheets goal planner. I created them because I kept asking those questions too. PowerSheets are how I uncover goals that motivate me, how I prioritize, and how I take action. And that fear of failing? It doesn’t magically go away. Even better: your good goals become more important than your fear.

This might be crazy, but in an attempt to help a whole lot of people finally do the things they have always wanted to do-whether in motherhood, business, marriage, a career, or in cultivating what you have right where you are-I have a surprise for you:

The six-month undated PowerSheets are on SALE for $25.

It’s time.
Time to do the things that have been burning on your heart.
Time to dig in, right where you are with what you have
July 1 could be your January 1, my friend.

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