November Goals Round-Up

November Goals Round-Up

Happy November, friends! Something about switching from October to November in my calendar often serves a reset for me. I haven’t quite been able to pinpoint it yet, but I think it has something to with the crisp air and holidays ahead.

The whole reason we changed the name of our business last year was because we knew we needed a platform to tell other people’s stories and the Monthly Goals Round-Up were born!

While we were thrilled with our 2018 PowerSheets Launch at the end of October, we also firmly believe that we still have plenty of time to accomplish our 2017 goals and finish the year strong. I can’t waitt o share these ladies’ goals for November, and I hope it encourages you to continue to make progress!

So, without further ado, here are some of YOUR November goals!

Photo by our friend Erin

Knowing the excitement for her wedding at the end of September would trickle October, I loved reading how Chelsey kept her October goals simple to give herself margin. And guess what? She accomplished most of them! Remember to give yourself breathing room in months that are a bit busier than usual!

“I feel good about these daily goals. None of them were perfectly completed, but that’s totally okay because the point isn’t to be perfect. The point is to make progress, and I definitely believe I did.” YES! Rachel nailed it, and it’s going to be so fun to cheer her on in November!

Mary’s November goals are a remind that the holidays are approaching, and we can intentionally choose to prepare now so that we don’t feel frazzled come mid-December!

Use the perforation on your PowerSheets Tending List, and hang it somewhere you’ll see it every day! Sarah’s November goals (complete with the cutest stickers!) are hung where she’ll see them every day!

There’s no better time than the end of the year to start thinking about goals with your significant other, so I loved seeing “Refresh Couples Goals” as one of Amanda’s November goals.

If it were acceptable, I’d copy every single one of Kate’s November goals for the month. More importantly, I love her heart behind why she chose what she chose!

I know there are many of you that are ready to bust open your 2018 PowerSheets and get to work, but Diana’s reminder that we still have 60 days left in the year is exactly what I needed to hear! I’ve tucked my 2018 PowerSheets away, and I’m focusing on finishing strong!

Photo by our friend Jami Lee

Want in on the PowerSheets family? Now’s the best time to join us and start setting goals! Our 2018 Collection is live in the shop, so snag your One-Year PowerSheets Goal Planner to join us!

Remember, keep sharing your goals with us each month so that we can cheer you on! Whether you’re posting in our PowerSheets Facebook Group, leaving us a comment on social media, or using the #PowerSheets hashtag, we love seeing what you are working towards each month!

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