My Word of the Year – Gina Fornito

My Word of the Year – Gina Fornito

We’re excited to introduce the next edition of “My Word of the Year” featuring Gina Fornito! Read below about how Gina’s implementing DEVOTION into her life this year and how she’s making what matters happen.

Tell us who you are and what fires you up:
Hi y’all! I’m Gina and I’m the gal behind the brand, Gina Bean. I am a lover of God, coffee and paper goods. I have an incredible family and amazing friends and I love my job in the creative field. I also work part time for Best Friends For Frosting and it’s an absolute dream!

What fires me up:

  • Loving on others
  • God’s grace
  • Coffee dates
  • Helping others
  • Creating
  • Photography
  • Reading
  • The Bible
  • Writing

What do you value the most?

  • God’s will and love for us
  • My family and friends
  • Loving on others

If you could envision your most fulfilling year yet, what would it look like?
My most fulfilling year yet would be full of praising God for his glory and sharing His works with others. I would be helping people be their best selves in whatever way made them happy. I would be living God’s word. I want to live on purpose, to have a life full of love and worship and people. I want to do what matters according to our God.

What is your word for this year?

How have you implemented DEVOTION into your life so far this year?
My word for this year is DEVOTION. This is because I need more time devoted to God and His word. I want to make what matters happen through devotion, even in my darkest hours. This season is for learning how to be myself and following through with my goals. This means being devoted to God, my work and my family as well as myself. I want to continue to be devoted for years to come. I often ask myself, “Is this something I am passionate about? or “Do I want to be here/doing this when I am 80? It helps me decide if what I am devoting myself to is important or not.

What are you saying yes to this year?

  • Living on purpose
  • Loving others
  • Time with God
  • Working hard
  • God’s word
  • Progress not perfection
  • Grace
  • God’s will
  • Writing what’s on my heart
  • Writing to others
  • Exercising

And, what are you saying no to this year?

  • Anxiety
  • Excuses
  • Depression
  • Negativity
  • Control
  • Self pity
  • Wasted time

Where do you want to be when you’re 80?
When I’m eighty I want to look back and have lived out God’s word, loved on people immensely and worked hard to encourage others. I want to have laughed from my belly and built a life I was proud of. I hope to have spread God’s word in the best way possible and shed light on His graces.

Where can we find you online? @ginabeandesign

Thank you for sharing, Gina! We’re cheering you on as you chase devotion this year!

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