My Word of the Year – Ashley Landry

My Word of the Year – Ashley Landry

We’re excited to introduce the next edition of “My Word of the Year” featuring Ashley Landry! Read below about how Ashley is implementing ABUNDANCE into her life this year and how she’s making what matters happen.

Tell us who you are and what fires you up:

Hi! I’m Ashley Landry, a photographer from the beautiful state of Louisiana. I work in a financial position by day and spend my spare time photographing motherhood and family moments by night. I am blessed to spend each day beside the man I love alongside two spoiled puppies who have stolen our hearts.

What fires me up:

  • Black and white photographs
  • Fresh flowers
  • Saturday morning walks with our puppies
  • Sunday mornings in church and breakfast dates
  • Quiet time and writing
  • Yoga
  • Budgeting, accomplishing savings goals, and spending wisely
  • Traveling and experiencing new things
  • Cooking for others and trying new recipes
  • Reading a good book

What do you value the most?

Family. Growing up in a small town, I was raised on family and spending quality time together. My family relationships are very close to my heart, and we make it a priority to spend time together as often as we can.

Challenging myself to continue to learn. I believe that there is always something to learn. This is what drives me to grow into a better individual. Because of that mindset, I continue to challenge myself and be open to new experiences in life.

Ashley Landry Momma

If you could envision your most fulfilling year yet, what would it look like?

If I could envision my most fulfilling year yet, it would include more purposeful living and less tiresome and busy days. It would include more days where I use my gifts and talents for meaningful work and helping others. It would include more exercise and fresh food and home cooked meals and less putting my health secondary. It would include more purposeful spending and saving and less splurging on clothing or “sale” items. It would have more travel and family and memories.

What is your word for this year?

Abundance. To give abundantly. To receive abundantly. To bless and be blessed abundantly. To love abundantly.

How have you implemented ABUNDANCE into your life so far this year?

Abundance for me this year was a way for me to remind myself to continuously give and bless throughout the year. I want to focus on more consistent action and less on the size of the action. So, whether that is offering more of my time and knowledge to help a friend with financials or cooking a big family meal to feed those that I love or helping a coworker write beautiful words to kudos staff, I want to do each action with a giving heart.

Ashley Landry Photography

What are you saying yes to this year?

  • Budgeting and being smart with finances
  • Photographing more everyday, honest moments
  • Writing, blogging and sharing more of my story
  • Exercising, yoga, breathing, and less anxiety
  • Home-cooked meals
  • Traveling
  • Days filled with gratitude
  • Anxiety and worry
  • Ungratefulness
  • Spending on unnecessary items
  • Procrastinating
  • Taking on too much and not finding time to do what I love

And, what are you saying no to this year?

  • Anxiety and worry
  • Ungratefulness
  • Spending on unnecessary items
  • Procrastinating
  • Taking on too much and not finding time to do what I love

Where do you want to be when you’re 80?

When I am 80, I hope to be filled with plenty of good stories and wise words to pass down to my family and loved ones. I want to share how I approached life with a hard-working attitude and faith knowing that anything was possible with those two concepts. I hope to be healthy, happy, and still constantly laughing with the one I love.

Where can we find you online?


Instagram: @missashleylandry

Pinterest: @missashlandry

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