My Word of the Year Diana Kerr

My Word of the Year Diana Kerr

We’re excited to share the next edition of “My Word of the Year” featuring PowerSheets user Diana Kerr! Diana has been sharing her PowerSheets journey on the blog this year, but we realized we never shared her “Word of the Year” with each of you! Read below about how Diana has implemented the phrase, “Intentional Foundation-Laying” into her life this year and how she’s continuing to make what matters happen in the remaining months. -Jess 

Tell us who you are and what fires you up:

Hey, friends! I’m Diana Kerr, a Certified Professional Life Coach for overwhelmed, go-getter Christian chicks. I’m a wife to my best friend Kyle, a warrior against rheumatoid arthritis since age 12, and, most importantly, a chosen, redeemed daughter of the King.

What fires me up:

  • Undeserved grace
  • Living sold-out for Jesus (Which is always an imperfect work in progress!)
  • Building relationships with our neighbors
  • Wisconsin summers
  • IF:Gathering
  • Dance parties ”With my foster sister K, in the kitchen with my husband, or by myself!
  • Fighting sex trafficking in my city
  • Seeing my husband succeed or get excited about something
  • Passionate conversations about Jesus with my sisters
  • Having my whole family together
  • Personal growth books
  • Beaches, oceans, water, boating
  • Running
  • Entrepreneurship! (I have almost constantly had businesses since I was 8 years old, starting with Beanie Baby accessories! Haha)
  • Decluttering/getting rid of stuff/simplicity
  • My coaching clients’ successes and breakthroughs
  • My values (below!)

What do you value the most?

Beyond the common values of faith, marriage, and relationships, I also really value stewardship. I cannot escape the truth that everything in my life exists because God gave it to me”my marriage, my relationships, my home, my possessions, my business, my time, my health Using all those things to God’s glory is what stewardship means to me, and it majorly fires me up, even though I’m certainly not perfect at it.

If you could envision your most fulfilling year yet, what would it look like?

Running boldly, intentionally, and free to the tune of Hebrews 12:1-2, throwing off everything that holds me back and running with eyes fixed on Jesus. Nothing’s more fulfilling than that, right?!

What is your word for this year? 

I chose a phrase this year instead of a word: Intentional foundation-laying.

How have you implemented this phrase into your life so far this year?

I want to lay a strong foundation in both my business and personal life, stewarding my time well in this season I’m in until God blesses us with children. I’m focusing on one specific thing this year for each major category of life, such as:

  • Drawing even closer to God through more quality and quantity time spent with him
  • Praying more often with my husband
  • Journaling prayer each day about relationships and focusing on loving others like Jesus did
  • Ramping up my Sabbath days and resting more throughout the week as well
  • Strength training at least 3 times a week
  • Paring down our belongings so I can hold loosely to the world and to possessions
  • Implementing tons of systems in my business and hiring even more help

What are you saying yes to this year?

  • Surrendering my agenda to God’s perfect plan
  • Lots of Sabbath and intentional rest
  • Communing with God all throughout the day instead of just during morning quiet time
  • Contentment
  • Fun and joy

And, what are you saying no to this year?

  • Distraction
  • Using anything except God to fill me food, Instagram, affirmation, etc. (Can I get an Amen?)
  • Shrinking back (Hebrews 10:36-39)
  • Stuff that doesn’t matter in light of eternity
  • Fear of what others think

Where do you want to be when you’re 80?

I want to be that wise old woman who’s tight like spandex with God. I picture myself as the kind of 80-year-old who has a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face when she talks about God, who acknowledges the hardships she’s endured but praises God’s faithfulness in the storms. With rheumatoid arthritis, I don’t know what God’s plan is for my health at age 80, but my husband and I hope to still be active and serving the Lord, as well as radically, wildly generous. I envision spending tons of time with family and friends, and getting away to warmer weather each winter. I would really love to acquire a bit of a Southern accent in my lifetime.

Where can we find you online?


Thanks for sharing, Diana! This post was written a few months ago, and we’re excited to share that Diana and her husband are now expecting! We can’t wait to see what this next season has in store for her family! Join us in congratulating the Kerr family below! -Jess


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