March 2017 Goals Round-Up

March 2017 Goals Round-Up

Happy March, friends! It’s that time of the month where we share a monthly goals round-up! If you read our 2017 Goals Round-Up, you know that I’m a big fan of reading all of your goals for the year and cheering you on!

The whole reason we changed the name of our business last year was because we knew we needed a platform to tell other people’s stories-YOUR stories-and the Monthly Goals Round-Up were born!

Remember, keep sharing your goals with us each month so that we can cheer you on! Whether you’re posting in our PowerSheets Facebook Group, leaving us a comment on social media, or using the #PowerSheets hashtag, we love seeing what you are working towards each month!

The PowerSheets and Cultivate What Matters community has evolved into something bigger than we could have ever imagined-something bigger than us, and we are grateful for the opportunity to encourage each of you to cultivate what matter!

So, without further ado, here are some of YOUR March goals!


Photo by Cultivate’s lovely Art Director @NicoleAYang

Lara’s March goals are full of color and inspiration, and she also offers some encouragement on how to combine similar goals on your Tending List.

If you’re looking for an encouraging word to add to the top of your March PowerSheets, look no further than Rachel’s PowerSheets! It’s quite appropriate for a month where we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

Lynne’s March PowerSheets recap is a great reminder that not only is it okay to step away from the routine of your everyday life each month to spend time working on your PowerSheets, it’s an investment!

Erin offers a great recap of her February goals as well as her goals for March! One of our favorite things to see is how some of her goals are already turning into habits! Way to go, Erin!

If you’ve recently gone through a life transition, Brandi offers a lot of encouragement about how to use PowerSheets for basic needs and then shift towards some of your other goals!


Photo by Gina Zeidler

One of the reasons the Cultivate Team sets monthly PowerSheets Prep days is because we know how quickly the days can go by! We love how Rachel has set reminders on her calendar to fill out her PowerSheets each month!

Ashley’s “small and simple” goals are perfect for her because they are connected to what matters most in this season! This is a great reminder that your Tending List doesn’t need to be completely full each month!

We’re excited to see that Harley is tackling a Social Media-Free Weekend on her March PowerSheets!

If you’re a recovering striver, Janelle’s March goals offer encouragement and practical tips for you!

Courtney reminds us all that daily goals are habits we want to cultivate, and she added a few new daily goals to her PowerSheets this month! While these goals might seem simple (a 10-minute a day Pilates challenge), we know that the little by little is where good things grow!

If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, we’d love to see them! Feel free to drop them in the comments, too-no fancy blog required! We can’t wait to take a peek into what this month holds and cheer you on!

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