Making Things Happen Conference Spring 2018 Recap

Making Things Happen Conference Spring 2018 Recap

Each year in our company PowerSheets, our team lists the things that fire us up. It won’t be a surprise to know that at the top of the list year after year is hosting the Making Things Happen Conference! What is the Making Things Happen Conference?

The Making Things Happen Conference began in 2009 after Lara posted a blog entry answering the question, “Lara, how do you make things happen?” From a whirlwind tour across the country to settling down in Chapel Hill, so much has changed in MTH’s history! Last month, we gathered to celebrate nine years of MTH, and host our 53rd conference!

After taking a break from our fall conference last year, it was hard to hide our excitement for our newest group of attendees. Almost 100 ladies said yes to taking a leap of faith and joined us at our Spring Intensive at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill, NC.

When asked how to describe MTH, we often have a hard time putting the experience into words. We could write out a schedule for the two days, but that doesn’t do justice to the space given the to help attendees uncover what matters most and do something about it. Every year, women of all different ages, professions, and backgrounds join us for a two-day intensive to uncover their goals and take action.

Behind every MTH Conference is our Encouragement Crew. The Encouragement Crew is made up of past attendees who selflessly volunteer their time to come back and encourage our attendees. They greet our attendees with bright smiles, warm hugs, and are always nearby to lend a hand when needed.

Making things happen means learning to say NO to what is holding you back, and YES to your unique assignment–not someone else’s assignment.

One of the core components of MTH is being able to dig deep free from any distractions. To make this easy for our attendees, we provide a safe home for all cell phones so they can focus free of distractions! This often seems daunting to many attendees, but we hear time and time again how it’s one of their favorite parts of the conference!

Each conference we welcome an incredible group of encouragement speakers to share their stories and encouragement for attendees. This isn’t a panel of women talking to our attendees; they do the hard work alongside them, and selflessly poured into the lives of our MTH attendees.

Why? Because at the end of the day, this conference isn’t about them.

It’s about our attendees. The ladies who bravely stood up and shared their stories. The ladies who took the time to put to paper their deepest fears and greatest dreams. These ladies who gave their dreams a voice–planting seeds from which good things will grow.

Making things happen means making decisions that will get you to where you want to be when you’re 80 years old.

“This is hands down one of the most life-giving experiences I have ever been a part of. MTH provided me the opportunity for concentrated time to explore the possibilities of what an intentional life-giving life looks like. I went in feeling stuck. Stuck in my career, stuck in my thoughts process of wanting to make things happen and not sure how to, stuck in the idea of possibilities, stuck in believing lies from the enemy, and stuck in wanting someone to give me a blueprint for success. I left the conference not with a blueprint or with someone telling me how to fix my circumstances, but with hope, courage, and authority. Hope that things CAN and WILL change, authority to make them happen and the courage to keep going when I’m not sure what is next.” -Paige

Making things happen means taking risks, taking action, and embracing tension.

“Attending MTH was arguably one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. It was worth every penny and every ounce of effort it took for me to get there. Before MTH, I was tired and feeling a little hopeless. Life felt stagnant, like I was going through the motions without much forward progression. MTH reminded me of my own agency, of my responsibility to myself and others, to continue moving forward and to live for something better. I left knowing I was created for more! I’m so grateful, now, for the work I have ahead of me.” -Meghan

Making things happen–the right things–changes everything.

“I had wanted to attend MTH for many years, but this year I just decided to take the leap! I’m SO glad that I did; it was a life-changing experience. From start to finish, I felt cared for, encouraged and challenged to step out of my identity box. Life is too short not to live on purpose!”  -Taryn

MTH is unlike any other conference. It’s like doing PowerSheets in person and meeting a group of women who think like you and will cheer you on in every step forward. Together, we uncover what matters to you and do something about it. When you join us at Making Things happen, you join a community of more than 1,000 like-minded women across the world who have chosen to take the leap and make what matters happen.

Are you ready to uncover your goals and take action? Our team would love to invite you to join us at the Fall MTH Conference!

The Details: September 24-25, 2018 at The Carolina Inn, Chapel Hill, NC 

It’s time to take the leap! Our Early-Bird Rate (more than 50% off ticket price) ends on July 31st! Payment plans are available; email for more information! Register today!

Want to take a peek inside the conference? Take a look here. I can’t wait to see you thereGET YOUR SEAT NOW.

We’d love to hear from you: what do you want to make happen?

All photos by Rachel Coffey


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