July PowerSheets PrepCast

July PowerSheets PrepCast

The month of June brought so many opportunities to learn, grow, and, in humility, take new steps forward. Whether you're feeling tired or fearful, or excited and refreshed, now is the perfect time to check in on your goals and walk with confidence into July!

Let’s get ready together! Grab your PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner® and join Lara in the garden for the PowerSheets PrepCast for July.

Psstnew to the PrepCast? With Lara as your guide, you’ll walk through your monthly prep pages together in about 30 minutes. Enjoy accountability and encouragement as you plan for July!

Helpful timestamps:

  • 1:00 - Download your free PowerSheets Wildcard page at MidYearRefresh.com. You’ll refresh your mind, refresh your big picture, and refresh your focus.
  • 1:30 - If you’re just getting started with PowerSheets, join the pop-up Facebook group. From tips and tricks to daily encouragement, you’ll join a community of others who are in this journey to start fresh with you.
  • 2:32 - Open up your PowerSheets to your June Tending List!
  • 2:50 - Celebrate any progress you’ve made this year. Remember, this is all about progress, not perfection. 
  • 3:48 - Flip over to the next page, Your Month In Review. Take a few minutes and acknowledge the things that were hard and joyful about this season.
  • 4:45 - If you’re using the 1 year dated PowerSheets, fill out your Summer Refresh starting with the “Have a Fruitful Summer” page.
  • 5:02 -  Flip over to the Goal Refresh page, and fill out the Cultivated Life evaluation. Choose a word for the next three months and decide what you’re saying no and yes to in each area of your life.
  • 6:07 - If you’re using the six-month undated PowerSheets, take this time to remember your big picture from your Prep Work or download your free Wildcard page from MidYearRefresh.com.
  • 7:20 - Flip over to your new month and let’s prepare well. Take a few moments to fill out the Prepare Well Page.
  • 8:12 - Fill in important milestones on your calendar page. So many of you have used the side column to write down ideas for how you are taking action for racial reconciliation and understanding. We have some ideas for you here!
  • 9:12 - Now that you know what matters to you, write down your goals and action ideas.
  • 9:52 - Time to do your Tending List! Choose how you’re going to spend your time this month and what you’re going to focus on daily, weekly, and monthly.

Key Takeaways for your July Prep Pages:

  • Hard things can be exciting - they mean there’s so much opportunity for change ahead.
  • There are no wrong answers when it comes to your Tending List! Don’t be afraid to take your eraser to the paper and change some goals or ideas you have.
  • As we pause and reflect, it can be easy to think Are my small steps making a difference? Yes! They do matter, and small steps add up. 
  • It’s okay if life changes! Life doesn't have to be perfect right now for it to be meaningful.

You’re ready for a great July and we’re cheering you on! You can do this!

P.S. Is one of your goals to grow in your faith? Our new Write the Word journals are perfect for refreshing your faith as you head into July! 

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