Introducing Our Summer Goals Collection

Introducing Our Summer Goals Collection

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed that it has been quiet on the Cultivate blog these past few weeks. Let’s just say that I still have a lot to learn about taking care of myself and managing my expectations, but that’s a different story for another day. I hope you we don’t fool you into thinking the Cultivate ladies have it all together because we most certainly do not. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, vocalize it so that those around you can help. Okay, hopping off my soapbox now…

It’s only fitting that the first post to dust off this here blog is announcing our Summer Goals Collection! Summer is often thought of as a season to let go and check out, but what if this is your season to dig into what is most important to you? What if it’s time to make a decision to do the work and stop coasting? Guess what? Doing the work and digging in doesn’t have to be boring or draining. We created these products to be beautiful, intentional, and fun! Without further adieu, let me introduce you to our lineup:

If you were hanging out with us last summer, you heard us talking a lot about a Fruitful Summer magazine for 2017. When brainstorming and designing, we found ourselves wanting something you could write in, not just a beautiful magazine to consume. From there, we decided to make a hybrid between a magazine and workbook. The Fruitful Friendship Workbook is part inspiring (to help you think in a new way) and practical (to help you put it into practice). It will equip and encourage you to dig into community right where you are-no perfection or perfect track-record required. I was lucky enough to help write this guide alongside Lara, and let me just say, we spent a lot of time making sure we merged the practical with the meaningful. There are tons of ideas in here about how to cultivate friendships that I’m already storing away for my June PowerSheets Tending List!

Our Encouragement Postcard Sets are one of my favorite items in the shop (and the most economical way to encourage your loved ones for those of you on a budget!) The Fruitful Summer Encouragement Postcard Set has an assortment of 20 cards featuring a fun summer saying, fruity pun, or friendly message. I’ll be the first to admit that I laugh at most things (it makes me a great friend!), and some of these have me laughing out loud because they’re so punny!

We will sing the praises of Asana, our project management software, all day long if you let us, but one of the most fun projects is certainly our Product Development project. This is where we put all your ideas as they come in, brainstorm ways to improve current projects and dream up fun new ones for you. We knew we wanted to update our mini prints, and we brainstormed a long list of phrases for our newest Mini Print collection. It was tough to narrow it down to just three! Our three newest mini prints look great tacked onto a bulletin board for extra encouragement or slipped into a card as a small surcee for a friend. In addition to the Take the Leap Gold Foil Mini Print pictured above, we have What If Today Gold Foil Mini Print and Little by Little Gold Foil Mini Print.

Speaking of Product Development, after receiving numerous requests about how to set good, grace-filled goals as a family, we made it!The PowerSheets Companion Goal Guide for Parents will help you uncover your goals and what matters to your family. Our team members with littles have already taken this one for a test drive, and we’re loving all the big ideas they are coming up with for their family!


Our PowerSheets Companion Guide for Couples has been in the shop for a few months now, but we’d be kicking ourselves for not mentioning it you again. The stories we’ve heard from the couples who are using this guide have been so uplifting! This guide will help you uncover your goals and what matters to both of you. Great for married, dating, or engaged couples. Fill this little book out on a summer date night, on the porch one evening, all at once, or little by little.

My best piece of advice for those who might have a partner that isn’t quite as excited about setting goals? Trick them into it! That sounds malicious, but I promise it’s not. Use the prompts in this guide as conversation starters! You can always go back and fill it in later.


If last year’s Fruitful Summer Product Launch was any indicator, the new Cultivate What Matters Tanks will be a favorite! Our sizes are limited, so if you want to snag one, I recommend adding it to your cart quickly! This is the perfect tank for heading out on a run or throwing on for a relaxing day at the park.



I’m saving the best for last, y’all! The Fruitful Summer Bundle! THIS is the gift I’d give all my friends if I had an unlimited bank account because it encompasses products that encourage and equip you to do something about the things that matter to you. (If I’m being honest, I’d probably also throw in a Write the Word journal, too!) Set meaningful summer goals and grow meaningful friendships this season with our Six-Month Undated PowerSheets Workbook in White, Fruitful Friendship Workbook, Fruitful Summer Postcard Set, and Take the Leap Mini Print. There are only 200 of these bundles available, so get yours while they last. We were created to do life together in community, and there’s nothing more fun than diving into your 2017 PowerSheets and Fruitful Friendship Workbook with a group of gals who are your biggest cheerleaders!

Whew! Those are a lot of words, and I could probably tell you approximately 73 other reasons I’m excited about each of these products, but my to-do list calls. Each of the Cultivate ladies has picked a frontrunner, and time will only tell to see who is right! Tell me below: do you have a favorite from the Summer Goals Collection?

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Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

Goal School

Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.