Introducing Cultivate What Matters' Habit Workbook

Introducing Cultivate What Matters' Habit Workbook

For over a decade, the PowerSheets® goal planner has helped women achieve meaningful goalshelping them to do more of what matters and less of what doesn't. From relationships healed to debt paid off, to businesses founded, grown, and sold to faith helped to flourish, it's been an honor to be with you each step of the way.

And then, every so often, we add a new tool to the Cultivate garden to help you go further, faster. Designed to complement your PowerSheets or Season by Season planner, these tools have included everything from weekly notepads to a gratitude journal to conversation cards. And today, we're thrilled to introduce you to one more!

Meet: the Habit Workbook! 

Cultivate What Matters Habit Workbook

The Habit Workbook, a companion to your PowerSheets® goal planner, will give you actionable ideas for how to actually implement the habits you want to grow—to move them from a hope to a habit. You don’t need more willpower or elaborate systems to grow good habits—you just need a few simple techniques (and a little bit of brain science!). Because while your habits might be pointed toward a grand big picture, the way you’ll live them out is often very practical. 

Cultivate What Matters Habit Workbook

    No, you don't have to be a PowerSheets user to love the Habit Workbook—if you've ever been discouraged by habits that didn't stick, this is for you. You'll love the interactive format, with plenty of room for brainstorming and making a plan, and the variety of habit trackers to experiment with.

     Cultivate What Matters Habit Workbook

    Engaging, practical, and with the encouraging voice you expect from Cultivate, the Habit Workbook combines our best insights from a decade of goal setting alongside this community with countless books we've read, conversations we've had, and techniques we've tried. The result? A really thorough, simple, encouraging, and practical companion to help you name and stick to habits that matter.

    We believe in the little things around here, because we know that a meaningful lifea cultivated lifeblooms from the smallest seeds. With thoughtful tending and a few smart strategies, the habits you plant today will grow into the life you're looking for. We'd be honored to come alongside you, and hope you really love the Habit Workbook.

    The Habit Workbook is available now!

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    Emily Thomas

    Emily Thomas

    Emily Thomas

    Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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