PowerSheets Can Work For You—Just Ask These Gals!

PowerSheets Can Work For You—Just Ask These Gals!

One of our greatest joys is hearing about and reading YOUR stories. They're the living, breathing proof of what we know to be true - that you don't have to do it all or be it all or have it all together to live a purposeful, joyful life, and that little by little progress adds up!

We also love sharing your stories because they're the BEST encouragement for those gals on the edges of this Cultivate What Matters community - the ones looking in, wondering if PowerSheets® could really work for them, if it's really possible to make progress on their goals, or if they should even set goals at all. To which we say: YES, YES, and OF COURSE! Come on over to the world of PowerSheets, gals - the water's fine! We've always known our goal planner is a game-changer for anyone, in any season of life—but don't just take our word for it. Take theirs...

"PowerSheets have helped me pay off  over $30,000 in debt little by little." - Nicole C.

"For years I've wanted to read the whole Bible. PowerSheets have helped me stay on track with my goal. Without PowerSheets, I know I never would have taken this on—they hold me accountable and help me focus in on goals that really matter. I'm happy to say that I'm on track to FINISH my goal with less than four months left in the year! - Amanda E.

"PowerSheets have not only taught me the value in intentional living, but also the steps that are needed to get there. Through the Prep Work process, I realized the pace I was moving at wasn't conducive to actually living the life I hoped for. My husband and I both are experiencing a change of pace with hobbies and jobs that are much better fits for the season we're in. I'm so grateful!" - Sarah G.K.

"PowerSheets help me with larger goals, but they also help me with the small, everyday goals. Life gets so busy some times—I can forget the little things like drinking water, watering my plants, or kissing my husband to name a few. PowerSheets remind me what's really important and help me cultivate those things!" - Jenifer M.

PowerSheets are for the dreamer AND the doer—more than 50,000 women have found the freedom that comes in cultivating what matters, little by little.

It's an honor to share how so many women are impacted by using their PowerSheets and embracing little by little progress.

Want to share your story? The more the merrier! Hop on over here, scroll to the bottom of the page, and let us know how PowerSheets have impacted you. We can't wait to read! 

P.S. September 24 is coming quick... that's when we're revealing the 2020 PowerSheets covers, and you won't believe your eyes! Sign up here to be the first to see what we have in store for you! 

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Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

Goal School

Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.