August PowerSheets PrepCast

August PowerSheets PrepCast

August is here! Are you ready to turn the corner into a new month? There are many unknowns in the world right now and planning for another month might feel exhausting and overwhelming. It's okay! You're in the right place and it's so wonderful that you're taking the time to remember what matters most. No matter how you’re feeling about this season, we’re in it with you and want to help you walk confidently into August. 

Are you ready? Grab your PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner® and join Lara in the garden for the PowerSheets PrepCast for August. 

Psst—new to the PrepCast? With Lara as your guide, you’ll walk through your monthly prep pages together in about 30 minutes. Enjoy accountability and encouragement as you plan for August!

Helpful timestamps:

  • 1:47 -Take a look at the progress you’ve made this month on your Tending List. Little by little progress really does add up--take a moment to celebrate it! 
  • 3:02 - Turn the page to your Month in Review page and let’s cultivate some gratitude! What were the good things that grew in July?
  • 4:40 - Be bold and decide what you’re going to say yes and no to this month. 
  • 6:40 - Flip over to a new month! Let’s prepare well together. End by writing your answer to this question: What are you hopeful for?
  • 9:08 - Turn the page to the monthly calendar spread. Jot down what you have going on this month--this will help you to see where you’re spending your time. Is there anything that needs to shift?
  • 14:06 - Turn to the next page—Make What Matters Happen This Month! Use the left-hand side column to write out some of the big picture goals you want to focus on. Flip back to your PowerSheets Prep and read back through your goals. Then, in the right column, write down your action items for those goals. 
  • 19:20 - If you had to choose one thing to focus on this month, what would it be? Circle it! Prioritize using some of the tips at the bottom of the page. 
  • 23:20 - You’re ready to make your Tending List! Choose what you think will work best for the month ahead. Have fun with your encouraging words section--give yourself a mini pep talk that you can come back to.  Click here for some fun suggestions!
  • 28:55 - Grab some markers, your Cultivate stickers and have fun with your Tending List! We love using the color-coding system in the  Goal Setting Sticker book
  • 32:10 - You did it! You’re going to have a great month ahead while focusing on the things that last.
  • 32:50 - Lara’s pro tip: do one of the items on your Tending List right now while it’s fresh on your brain. Take one small step forward today.
  • 33:30 - Put your Tending List where you’ll see it often--your desk, car, or like Lara, your closet! Then, snap a picture of your Tending List, so you’ll have it no matter where you go!

Key Takeaways for your August Prep Pages:

  • It’s okay to grow slow. So many decisions feel heavy right now—and it’s okay to feel exhausted and overwhelmed. We’re so glad you’re taking this time to focus on the things that matter most.
  • As you narrow down your goals, ask yourself if these things will help you get to where you want to be when you’re 80. What will make a lasting impact? 
  • Your Tending List doesn’t have to be perfect! Don’t focus on checking everything off, but making daily, weekly, and monthly progress. 
  • This is all about progress, not perfection. There’s so much joy to be found along the way, not just at the finish line!

You’re ready to head into August with hope, motivation, and confidence! We’re right there with you. 

P.S. Is one of your goals to grow in your faith this month? Our new Write the Word journals are perfect for refreshing your faith as you head into August!

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