Action Steps for Racial Reconciliation and Understanding

Action Steps for Racial Reconciliation and Understanding

If you're anything like us, you want to do better and do more to "be the bridge" of racial reconciliation and healingin your heart, in your family, in your circle of influence, in the world. (If you want to know more about a few of our next steps, you can read more here.) Maybe you're feeling the same way you do at the beginning of the year, when you're fired up about your goals and SO READY for change to arrive all at once. 

That's great! But just like with our January 1st goals, we know real progress happens through many consistent steps taken intentionally over time. Let's not let this flame go out in one week, or one month. Our small steps add up, right cultivators?! Let's use what we know about cultivating what matters to do this work in a way that leads to lasting change.

This community is generous and passionate about taking action. After opening up the conversation in our Facebook group, so many of you suggested excellent steps forward. We know action will look different for everyone, so, with the help of the PowerSheets community and the many wonderful Black educators sharing resources, we've gathered a wide variety of monthly, weekly, and daily items to choose from for your Tending List—a great tool to keep yourself accountable and moving forward in this work. Choose a new one each month, or add the same one month after month. (Use the Yearly Overview in your PowerSheets to prioritize and space out these action steps, if you'd like!)

This is just a starting point. Most importantly, keep listening and keep learning. 


  • Open up a conversation with your friends, your family, or your extended family about current events. Share resources and encourage each other in action steps you're taking.
  • Seek to begin or deepen a friendship with someone who doesn't look like you. 
  • Carve out time to listen to the experiences of Black people. In person, if possible; otherwise, through social media or spaces like Be the Bridge's Facebook group.
  • Seek out new, diverse people in your industry or area of interest with whom to build relationships. In person, if possible; otherwise, through social media or online.
  • Read a book about racism and/or anti-racism. 
  • Read a book by a Black author. 
  • Read a book featuring a Black protagonist.
  • Read any of the above with friends, then gather to discuss.
  • Lift up Black voices by reading and commenting on their work and sharing your favorite pieces with your circle of influence.
  • Be a patron of a Black-owned business. A few online shops to start with: HarperIman dolls, The Tiny Tassel accessories, Jungalow home goods, Craft My Occasion party supplies, EttaVee colorful art, Cloth & Paper planners and accessories, Because of Zoe hair bows, Best Today Brand, and Mackenzie Madison apparel.
  • Watch the movie Just Mercy - free to rent on all platforms in the month of June
  • If you have children, add diverse dolls and toys to your home.
  • Hang a piece of art featuring Black faces or by a Black artist in your home. Start exploring here.
  • Take Harvard's Implicit Association test.
  • Research the policies of your local police department. Implicit bias training, deescalation training, and the use of body cameras are great things to look for.
  • Donate to a cause that is forwarding this work. There are so ways to do this - you'll find an angle to be passionate about!
  • Write to or call your elected officials to express your support for policy reform.
  • Share a resource or something you're learning with someone in your circle of influence.
  • Use your resources (your time, your talents, your money, your words) to come alongside a Black person in your circle of influence. More here.
  • If you have a teacher friend, gift them diverse books for their classroom.


  • Express care for your Black friends. As a good friend, use your best judgment as you do so (and their preferred love language!).
  • Grab takeout from a Black-owned restaurant.
  • Complete an action step in Be the Bridge's Get Started Guide or Facebook modules or another self-paced program.
  • Exchange a typical movie night or Netflix session for entertainment with Black leads. 
  • Listen to a podcast to learn new ideas and perspectives. A few suggestions: Business, Life & Joy, Talking With Kids About Race, Seeing White, and Befriending Radical Disagreement.
  • Carve out time to listen to the experiences of Black people. In person, if possible; otherwise, through social media or spaces like Be the Bridge's Facebook group.
  • Read a few chapters of your monthly book.
  • Grab a journal and write a few scriptures from our Write the Word Justice free download 


  • If you have children, read diverse books together.
  • Complete an action step in Be the Bridge's Get Started Guide or Facebook modules or another self-paced program.
  • If you are religious, pray for the Black community, our country, our leaders, police officers, and a refreshed heart.
  • Talk to your kids about race, as opportunities present themselves, in an age-appropriate way. More here.
  • Seek to listen and understand.

For many more suggestions, see here.

Please let us know in the comments action steps you've taken or are taking to aid in racial reconciliation, healing, and understanding—we'd love to hear.

In this with you,
Team Cultivate

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