A Decision Tree: Which Goal-Setting System is Right for You?

A Decision Tree: Which Goal-Setting System is Right for You?

If it’s true that every choice you make makes you, making the right decision on your goal-setting system is pretty important! To make your choice a little easier, we've created a helpful decision tree, featuring some favorite items from the 2023 PowerSheets® Collection. 

But before we begin, join me in firing up your favorite playlist—this activity should be fun! You might enjoy this popular Cultivate playlist. Ready?!

Here’s how it works: start at the top and answer each question, following the arrows until you reach your destination. Then see the descriptions below to help you understand how each tool will help you cultivate what matters in 2023! You can’t choose wrong! :)

Got your answer? Now that your results are in, find your best goal-setting system below and get excited about how these tools can transform your life. (Keep in mind, these are just suggestions, and all of our products are mix-and-matchable, so if you see something you like, just *add to cart*!) 

Daily Delight

You enjoy setting allthegoals, and like to keep one eye on the big picture and the other on the everyday. With your One-Year PowerSheets, you’ll set big-picture goals, plan how to achieve them, and track your progress along the way—all with gentle reminders from your Season by Season Daily Planner. (Fun fact: our new daily planner was created with PowerSheets users in mind, so you’ll find reminders on each page to check in on your goals!). Carry your planners in style with our best-selling Carry All Pouch–BOTH planners fit comfortably inside at the same time! You might enjoy an Accessory or Pencil Pouch, too, to keep your stickers and pens handy.

Your goal-setting stack:

Weekly Wonder

You’re a fan of weekly planning and big picture planning. One-Year PowerSheets work seamlessly with the Intentional Weekly Planner Notepad. Fans of this notepad say they love starting fresh with a brand new layout each week, and we think you will, too! Designed specifically with PowerSheets users in mind, you’ll enjoy space to plan your to-dos alongside reminders to tend to your goals when you use this notepad. And, yes, your Intentional Weekly Planner Notepad and One-Year PowerSheets will BOTH fit together in your Carry All Pouch. While you’re at it, stock up on other goal-setting accessories to make your journey even more delightful!

Your goal-setting stack:

Seasonal Sowing

You believe in the power of little by little, and you love setting small goals each quarter. You enjoy the simplicity of having your weekly to-dos and your big-picture vision in one place. 90-Day PowerSheets are quickly becoming a staple around here, and we can see why! Cultivators are loving the smaller, lighter version of PowerSheets and shortened Prep Work. If that sounds like you, too, you’ve found your match. We suggest making your goal-setting journey more joyful with a Carry All Pouch and some accessories!

Your goal-setting stack:

Cultivated Clarity

You’re focused on one or two big dreams (or projects!), and you’re confident about digging into them. You know exactly what you want to achieve—all you need is a bit of organization to get  there. If that sounds like you, you’ll love the Break it Down Notepad coupled with the Weekly Starter Bundle. Enjoy fresh pages each week to help you cultivate what matters most. Don’t forget your accessories and pouches, too. You’ll love having a stylish space to store your favorite Cultivate goodies!

Your goal-setting stack:

Looking for more support?

Join our exclusive goal-setting community—Goal School Premium!—and enjoy *NEW* courses, resources, opportunities, and a very special, private Facebook community just for GSP members. In this group, you’ll have direct access to Team Cultivate, regular teaching and encouragement, and so much more. We hope to see you there!

We can’t wait to see what you choose, friend! And remember, you can't go wrong!

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Kelley Hill

Kelley Hill

Kelley Hill


Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

Goal School

Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.