7 Reasons to Join Us at Cultivate Your Year LIVE!

7 Reasons to Join Us at Cultivate Your Year LIVE!

The ultimate way to set yourself up for success in 2022 is coming, and you've been buzzing with excitement ever since we announced this year's Cultivate Your Year LIVE date. 

Let's talk about the top 7 reasons why you should join us for Cultivate Your Year LIVE—your personal PowerSheets® retreat!


1. You'll get your PowerSheets done in a day! Though there are many reasons to join us, this might be the most important. Complete your prep with ease, get inspired as you dream about your year ahead. No more going it alone with goal setting!

2. You'll make new, like-minded friends who can become your accountability buddies for all of 2022! The Cultivate community is pretty amazingwe're excited for you to meet your people! Whether through an encouraging encounter in the chat or an offline PowerSheets meet up, you'll meet like-minded friends to cultivate what matters alongside!

3. You will be present throughout the holidays. Enjoy your holidays knowing that you've already prepared for a great new year. Cultivate Your Year LIVE will allow you to be present for all the holiday goodness AND feel ready to go on January 1!

4. LOTS. OF. FUN. Even if there were no bells and whistles at all, we passionately believe this event would be well worth your time... but there are totally going to be bells and whistles (and confetti, obviously😉 )!!! Expect dance breaks, giveaways, and celebrations throughout the day!

5. It's the personal retreat you've always wanted. Though you can absolutely do the PowerSheets Prep in several small chunks over a few days, the process is most powerful when you give yourself the time and space to clear your mind, and that can be harder to do in bits and pieces. 

For years, we've heard from so many of you who have loved setting aside an evening at a coffee shop or even a whole day on your own to fill out your PowerSheets. Now, take that day and kick it up a few levels! CYYL is a day set apart to focus on you alongside people who get it. Taking time for yourself in a busy season will make you better for the people you love!

6. Get the most out of the tool you've invested in. No more distractions, no more getting stuck, and no more feeling behind as you settle into your goal planner! Even when curveballs come your way, you'll be prepared to focus on what matters in the year ahead. 

7. Start 2022 with clarity and hope—gain perspective on the year we've just lived, then step into the new year with clear goals, renewed hope, and a flexible action plan to live out what matters. (This will feel so good!)


We're all in this together! Like you, we've felt the tension and stressors of this season, but we won't quit, and neither will you. We'll help you remember what matters and what doesn't AND that goal setting can be FUN! We'll move forward together.

Friend, you're tired from the last two years, and you want to quit. You're beyond ready for a new year and craving a fresh start: a simple plan for more joy and more of what matters regardless of what happens in the world.

So, join us at Cultivate Your Year LIVE! If you do, you'll feel your days adding up to something. You'll feel energized and empowered even in the face of setbacks. You'll be living a cultivated life—a life of peace, joy, and purpose!

Ticket are available NOW! Be sure to grab a ticket today for the PowerSheets retreat you've been looking for. 

Have questions? We'd love to answer them! Reach out to our Customer Delight Team to get all your questions answered!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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