5 Things to Know about the MTH Experience

5 Things to Know about the MTH Experience

1. It’s phone-free. Yes, you read that right! Before you enter the conference room, we’ll ask you to turn off your phones and leave them in our care. We firmly believe this time is yours to dig deep, get honest, and leave distractions behind. So many of our attendees leave the conference not wanting to turn their phones back on! We offer an emergency number for baby sitters, spouses, and anyone else who might need to get in immediate contact with you so that you can get the most out of your two days with us.

MTH Phone Free
Image by Carrie Joy Photography.

2. We give you time to think. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? But we think this is a game-changer. Instead of spending two days presenting ideas to you, we want you to participate in the process. We’ll lead you through powerful prompts and activities so that you do the work with us, not after you get home. Throughout the two days, we’ll take focused breaks instead of distracted ones — giving you time to journal your thoughts.

MTH Community
Image by Carrie Joy Photography.

3. You’ll want to leave the heels at home… Get comfy ladies. You’re likely to kick off whatever shoes you’re wearing to curl them up beneath you and your hair is likely to get thrown into a ponytail before the end of the day. MTH isn’t about impressing anyone. It’s about coming as you are to do real and powerful work.

MTH Fireside Chats
Image by Carrie Joy Photography.

4. …And bring your comfiest pajamas. One of our favorite parts of MTH is our fireside chats on Monday and Tuesday evening! Our Chief Encouragement Officer, Kristin, and one of our speakers, Carrie, host these casual nighttime chats to unwind after conference days and process any thoughts that came to light.

MTH Community
Image by Robyn Van Dyke Photography.

5. We want you to get in community. You’ll be assigned to a small breakout group that’s full of people who are similar to you and want to make similar things happen. We think this is a great way to get more intimate time together, and to create new friendships that reflect your priorities and practice MTH principles. Additionally, you’ll get an accountability partner to follow up with after the intensive, ensuring a new friendship and some extra encouragement on your action list! Finally, while there’s little socializing during the conference, we encourage everyone to get dinner and breakfast together, talk during Fireside Chats, and spend our last hour of the conference getting to know each other!

Want to know more about MTH? Explore our gallery, read our FAQ, and scroll through our hashtag #MTHConference!


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