Introducing the 2019 PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planners!

Introducing the 2019 PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planners!

The 2019 PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planners release three weeks from today, and we're happy dancing thinking about them landing in the hands of women across the world! 

NEW THIS YEAR: Choose the One-Year Dated PowerSheets Goal Planner cover that fits your personality! You get to choose from four One-Year Dated cover options (yes!!!) and one Six-Month Undated cover.

Wait until you see what's inside.

Behind each of these covers is a proven process that works. Thousands of women have experienced it, and in 21 days, you will too! The PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner has helped thousands of women uncover what matters most, make a cultivated action plan, and tend to it little by little–with some big leaps along the way!

Everything you need is in the PowerSheets, regardless of your cover choice! Our simple, guided process walks you through three steps:

  • PowerSheets Prep Work: the first 34 pages help you uncover your unique goals and what matters most to you
  • Intentional Action Plans: step-by-step action plan pages help you look for threads and themes in your goals and turn those into goal ideas with specific starting steps
  • Monthly Tending Pages: Tending pages to help you live out your goals and action plans each month!

In addition to our FOUR One-Year cover options, we have one Six-Month Undated PowerSheets Goal Planner for you–a beautiful, crisp white!

We love offering a Six-Month Undated goal planner for friends who join us after January 1st, so if you're reading this, trust us when we say the One-Year Dated PowerSheets Goal Planner is the way to go!

Don’t let comparison keep you from doing your life and your unique path.

You’re not “just” a stay at home mom (and let’s be real – there’s no “staying” when you’re a mom!).
You’re not “just” a student.
You’re not “just” an empty-nester.
You’re not “just” a ______ (fill in whatever it is you’ve caught yourself feeling lately).

You’re YOU.
Marvelous, wonderful you!

Your goals matter enough to cultivate them–growing them over time as you take small steps forward (and some big leaps along the way, too). Your cultivated life matters enough to tend it like a garden and trust that each effort invested will add up.

Want to watch the 2019 PowerSheets Cover reveal? Watch the replay below, and keep your eye out for a full reveal of a BRAND NEW product (available in three colors!) 🎉

We'll be releasing our FULL Product Guide on October 17th, so make sure to sign up to have our magazine delivered directly to your inbox. Our Product Guide includes everything you need to know about pricing, product specs (page numbers, materials, etc), and launch week (yes we have bundles available!). We put a lot of time

We'll give you the full rundown of the entire 2019 PowerSheets Collection so you're ready for October 24th at 10am ET!

We want to know! Which cover are you choosing? Leave a comment, and let us know!


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