Let's Talk about 2018 Goal Progress

Let's Talk about 2018 Goal Progress

It's time to celebrate, friends! Let's celebrate progress (even if it's a bit imperfect) and take a look back on the past twelve months together. Whether you checked things off entirely or slowly in your progress bar, our team wants to celebrate your little-by-little progress.

Team Cultivate is sharing some of our personal PowerSheets® goal progress below, and we'd love to hear from you! We're even hosting a fun giveaway in the comments, so keep reading!

One of my 2018 goals was to refresh our home and make it work for us, especially our family room. It's the main play space for our kiddos, and previously my daughter's (minimal) toys had been just kind of lined up around the edge of the rug. It was fine but cluttered and hard for her to put anything away because nothing really had a designated spot (she's two)!

A few weeks ago, I spotted this storage piece at HomeGoods and instantly knew it was what we needed. I'd been looking for a piece with doors instead of drawers for MONTHS and had been coming up empty, and this one was hundreds of dollars less than some of the other options I had been considering. The space isn't finished yet (is it ever?), but it is meeting our needs SO MUCH BETTER than before, and that's huge progress to me! - Emily 

One of my goals that will be following me into 2019 is our family's Cinnamon Roll Sunday. Weekends tend to be filled to the brim and fly by before they even start, but we made great progress as a family by intentionally slowing down on Sunday to enjoy breakfast together. While not always cinnamon rolls (much to our daughter's dismay) the sweet time together helped set our weeks up well and reminded us to slow down and enjoy the season we're in. - Marissa

This year, I realized how much the space around me impacts how I feel about the day. For several months I would walk by a pile of clothes and things I wanted to donate or sort through and in October, I finally broke out my decluttering Wildcard page and scheduled a donation pick up with the Durham Rescue Mission in five minutes. - Kaylee

One of my goals this year, after getting engaged, was to cultivate an intentional, life-giving, and fun engagement season with my fiancé. My favorite way we've done that is through intentional monthly date nights. We'll try out a new restaurant or go to an old favorite, and I make sure to put my phone away for the night. It's been such a fun way to connect with each other in what feels like a busier-than-normal season of our lives. - Ashlea

As we embarked on a new adventure as husband and wife, one of my goals was to open our home to others and host/spend quality time with friends–both new and old. So far we've hosted at least one dinner a month, purchased a grill to be able to make lots of delicious food, furnished our guest bedroom to be as comfortable as possible for visitors, and started a collection of travel-sized toiletries to store in the guest bathroom (which has been wildly popular with overnight guests!). A few days before we host anyone, I try to ask about any dietary preferences or allergies so I can make them feel welcome. - Jordan

One of my goals this year was to cultivate a peaceful, simple, and joyful home, and I'm proud of all the progress I've made. We installed a new secure front door with a security camera doorbell (I highly recommend the RING doorbell!), created a weekly cleaning and chore schedule, decluttered and organized room by room, painted our hallway and bedroom, and created a front flower bed! - Casey

I intentionally made one of my 2018 goals broad, so I could focus on a few different areas! My goal to "Take care of myself" covered my physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and I'm proud to say I've made so much progress this year! From running a 10K to regularly attending my barre class to building blocks of time into my calendar to rest (no more overbooking myself) to going to the doctor (I know, I know!), all of these smaller goals have added up to a more restful, joyful, and confident ME. In fact, I've had so much progress that this goal will likely stay on my 2019 goals list! - Jess

We relocated from Texas to North Carolina this summer, and one of my goals was to make our new house a home, because I knew with so much change and unknown, we needed a safe place to grow together, make sweet memories, and rest! In June, I had "clear out all moving boxes" on my tending list. I've never been happier to put an "I MADE PROGRESS" sticker on my list than the day someone came by to pick up those boxes!

Since then, we've painted, hung decor, fixed random problems, added personality, rearranged furniture, strung twinkle lights outside, and—my favorite—had a random gentleman build us a booth for our breakfast nook! (That nook is one of my favorite spots in the house.) I'm excited about our progress because it's served us exactly how I hoped, and it's the perfect foundation for one of our 2019 family goals, which is to grow our community and fill our table with friends! I can't wait to welcome those friends into our home. - Julie 

We'd love to hear from you! As we dig into our 2019 PowerSheets Prep Work and set goals for the year ahead, we don't want to lose sight of all we've accomplished this year! Share one of your 2018 goals and the progress you made in the comments below! We'll choose three lucky winners on December 26th to win a 2019 Goal Setting Sticker BookBecause stickers help you celebrate progress! 😉

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