What's New in the 2023 PowerSheets® Intentional Goal Planner

What's New in the 2023 PowerSheets® Intentional Goal Planner

We're just a few weeks away from launch, friends!! We continued the countdown to 2023 PowerSheets® by showing you the five brand-new One-Year covers (and two 90-Day covers!) last week, and today, we're diving into the magic on the inside! These are the best goal planners we've ever created, and we can't wait for you to use them yourselves.

We know the beautiful covers make it hard to choose, but the REAL magic is on the inside: behind every cover is a better-than-ever goal-setting proven process that works (just read the reviews!). We've taught thousands of women how to make flexible plans and steady progress on goals that matter to them.

Every year, we make the goal-setting process better and tailored to exactly what you need. As women all over the world, including us, use their PowerSheets, we listen, change, and innovate to make it easier (and more fun!) to achieve life goals that really matter to you.

Note: 90-Day PowerSheets are also launching on October 12! The details described here are specific to One-Year PowerSheets, but many are mirrored in the 90-Day version! For a peek inside 90-Day PowerSheets, click here

COVER OPTIONS: Okay, let's chat about those covers for juuuust a minute :) Are they not the most beautiful?! Choose from two patterns (Garden Arches or Trellis), two solid linens (Papaya or Bluebird), or, for the first time ever, a neutral, leatherette cover for your One-Year PowerSheets. (All the content on the inside, of course, is the same!) You truly can't go wrong no matter which you choose!

NEW INCLUSIONS: Well, new and returning favorites! You'll find a gold-foil Word of the Year card tucked into the pocket of your PowerSheets, a 2023 Year-at-a-Glance + Holidays card (to add dates to your monthly spreads), and a sticker sheet with gold foil! That's right, stickers now live in the front pocket instead of being bound into the book—we hope being able to move the sheet around encourages you to use them! :)

INSPIRING DESIGN: Impactful design has always been a hallmark of the PowerSheets, and this year is no different. We worked hard to make the pages delightful (not overwhelming!) to dive into, and to make the goal of each prompt clear. Dot grids on several pages help the writing space flex to fit your needs. 

CORE TRUTHS: Throughout the Prep Work, we've sprinkled 15 guiding phrases to ground your goal setting. Think: little by little adds up, it's okay to grow slow, and any day can be a fresh start. You'll be reminded of what you love about this community with every turn of the page!

UPDATED PREP WORK TEACHING: As always, we went through every page with a fine-tooth comb. We reordered, reworded, redesigned, cut, and added to this section to make it just as impactful as ever BUT easier than ever to complete. Keep a special eye out for a new Clear the Clutter page, a new Self-Talk page, and a tweaked order of prompts—you'll move from past, to present, to future as you reflect.

UPDATED CLE CATEGORIES: We heard you loud and clear! We made a few changes to the Cultivated Life Evaluation categories to make them more flexible and encompassing. Here are the eight 2023 categories:

  • Community
  • Family
  • Finances
  • Fun + Recreation
  • Health + Wellness
  • Home + Spaces
  • Spiritual + Personal Growth
  • Work + Learning

UPDATED GOAL-SETTING GUIDELINES: After a big glow-up in 2022, we made just a few small (but impactful!) changes for 2023. There's new teaching on how Habits, Finish Lines, and Big Dreams combine into Yearly Goals, and a tweaked layout in the Goal Action Plan Pages.

Overall, the Prep Work and Goal-Setting Sections were slimmed down from 54 pages in the 2022 version to 50 in the 2023—yay!

SLIMMED-DOWN PROFILE: To make your goal planner lighter, slimmer, and easier to carry, we attached the monthly tabs to pages instead of dividers. Hooray for taking your goal setting on the go!

REFRESHED MONTHLY PREP PAGES: While the Tending List remains largely unchanged, look for refreshed brainstorming and review pages in this section. The Quarterly Refreshes were also simplified to make them even more helpful in your goal-setting journey.

SUSTAINABILITY UPDATES: Little by little adds up, and this is true of goal setting and sustainability, too. The 2023 PowerSheets 120 gsm paper is sourced from well-managed forests, and the box and wrap are 100% biodegradable (no plastic!). 

We want to hear from you! What change are you most looking forward to in the 2023 PowerSheets? Let us know in the comments below!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

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Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.