What to Read in 2024

What to Read in 2024

One of my very favorite things about this community is how much you all love to read. Our shared bond over books is not surprising: to love the introspection, intentionality, and vision-casting of the PowerSheets® process, you almost have to love the learning and inspiration that can come from a great book, too! 

If you're looking for recommendations on what to read in 2024, look no further. I polled a few members of Team Cultivate on the books they're most excited to pick up this year, then added a few new releases you might want to know about. As you think about all you hope to learn and grow and do this year in your PowerSheets, this list will help you consider what books you might want to have by your side.

Grab your Cultivated Reading Journal or fire up your Good Reads account and get ready to add an armful of books to your To-Be-Read List! Asterisks mark planned 2024 releases.

Cultivate Reading Journal surrounded by books


  • Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley | This will be a re-read for me, but this time I'll be going through it with my husband.
  • The 12-Week Year by Brian P. Moran | Kelley and Casey convinced me!
  • Parenting by Paul David Tripp 
  • Tired of Being Tired* by Jess Connolly | I've been through Jess' coaching program and love what she has to say! Can't wait to read her newest book.


  • Try Softer by Aundi Kolber | I want to learn more about how to navigate anxiety and stress and minimize the white-knuckling I'm prone to.
  • 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam | My coworker Aunika recommended this for time management.
  • Range by David Epstein | I thought this title and tagline sounded interesting ("why generalists triumph in a specialized world"). I'm curious to read it because professionally, I feel torn between wanting to learn and grow in a specialized way versus my love for learning many different things!
  • The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang | I love learning about history, and I'm realizing how little I know about so much of world history. Every time I learn something new, it awakens my humanity!


  • Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott | I have a goal to improve my writing process and this book is a beloved classic.
  • Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley | This is practically required reading on Team Cultivate at this point, ha! It dovetails perfectly with my home and family rhythms goal.
  • Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman | Slowing down is a part of several of my 2024 goals, and I think this book (with the tagline "small-moment living in a fast-moving world") by a friend of Cultivate will help.
  • I Know How She Does It by Laura Vanderkam | Kristin recommended this book on time management to me!
  • Lots and lots of mysteries/thrillers :)


  • Go as a River by Shelley Read | Aren't bookish friends just the best? One of my trusted bookworm friends named this as her favorite read of 2023, so I knew it had to go on my list.
  • Tom Lake by Ann Patchett | This novel seems to be a bit polarizing, but I loved The Dutch House by the same author so am willing to dive in.
  • Everything Sad is Untrue by Daniel Nayeri | This "sprawling, evocative, and groundbreaking autobiographical novel told in the unforgettable and hilarious voice of a young Iranian refugee" is "sad, but there's hope in the story" per another one of my friends. "And beautifully written."
  • The Reason for God by Tim Keller | With Tim Keller's passing last year, I knew I wanted to make space in my TBR for one of his books. This is probably is most well-known that I haven't read.
  • Delicious! by Ruth Reichl | I've read and loved all of Ruth's memoirs about her life as a food critic and magazine editor, but none of her novels and I hear this one is great!

 Your turn! What's on your reading list for 2024?

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.