What’s Different in the 2017 PowerSheets

What’s Different in the 2017 PowerSheets

Each year that we redesign the PowerSheets, we take a lot of things into consideration. We listen to all of the feedback that you’ve given us, take notes on what we love and what we’d change in our own personal PowerSheets, and beyond that, we observe what your everyday lives look like when we engage in one-on-one conversations with you. We hope that the changes to our PowerSheets not only help you dive deeper into what you’re passionate about, but function better in your everyday life.

So, here’s a look at what we changed in 2017!

PowerSheets Flexible Cover

Synthetic Cover and Smaller Size
Many of you take your PowerSheets with you wherever you go, work on them at the kitchen table or with your kids, and constantly flip back and forth. We made our 2017 cover out of a durable synthetic material so that it’s still flexible, but won’t fray at the edges or corners. Another bonus to this new cover material? It’s waterproof!

We also rounded out the corners so they’re less likely to bend, and we made the entire workbook an inch smaller so it’s easier to take wherever you go.

More Brainstorming Pages
This is personally my favorite part of the 2017 PowerSheets. While we make improvements each year to make the set more durable and functional for your lifestyle, you know the real magic happens on the inside. More brainstorming pages and a refined process mean that you get to release your thoughts on paper at more opportune times and in more helpful ways. Then, the prep work helps you untangle some of those thoughts so you can see patterns and highlights.


Perforated Tending List
All of our 2017 PowerSheets now come in spiral bound form, but we know so many of you love being able to take out your Tending List and post them wherever is best for you—on the fridge, on a clipboard, or at your desk. Now, there’s an easy perforation on every Tending List that allows you to do this! Want to add your Tending List back to your PowerSheets when the month is over? We like to tape them back in with washi tape, or a paper clip.

Monthly Progress Bars
So often in the past, we would read over our monthly goals on our Tending List and think to ourselves, “I made huge progress on that this week, but it’s not completely done yet.” We want to celebrate more of the good progress you make each month! Color in the Progress Bar as you tend to your monthly goals. When it’s completely colored in, celebrate again!

PowerSheets Stickers

More Stickers!
This year, each PowerSheets set comes with two pages of stickers—that’s over 200 stickers in each set of PowerSheets! We made them even more colorful than before, kept some of your favorites, and increased some of the most-used stickers (like check marks, celebration stickers, and flags). Even better? We couldn’t stop there, so we made a Sticker Book with an additional 824 stickers!!

Tell us what you love about the new 2017 version in the comments below!

Want to dive into meaningful goal setting? Our 2017 PowerSheets Six-Month Goal Planners are available for preorder in our shop and will ship in late May—just in time to finish the year well.

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