My Word of the Year – Carrie Joy Osbourne

My Word of the Year – Carrie Joy Osbourne

We’re excited to share our next “My Word of the Year” story featuring the talented Carrie Joy Osbourne of Carrie Joy Photography! Read about her how she’s implementing not one, but two words into her life this year!

Hi! Tell us who you are and what fires you up:

I’m Carrie Joy Osborne and I’m a Wedding Photographer.

I get fired up by:

  • The Ocean
  • Worship music
  • Hanging out with good friends
  • Seeing great art in galleries and museums
  • Film
  • Photographing couples in love
  • Being outside in the sunshine
  • Notes of encouragement
  • Fresh flowers
  • Travel!

What do you value most?
Travel, experiences, relationships, photography and art

If you could envision your most fulfilling year yet, what would it look like? 

My most fulfilling year yet would look like a heart truly filled with joy. It’d be full of more life and less comparison. It’d be focused less on the world’s idea of success and more tied to my why sharing that people are truly seen and profoundly loved. I want to live on purpose so that I’m not hiding or simply sleepwalking through life. Life and time are a gift. I am worth living a life on purpose.

What is your word for the year?
I have 2 words this year: Full and Well. When I think about my year as ‘Full’ I think of it in terms of being well rounded: Full of great relationships, full of blessings, full of experiences & memories and not lacking in anything I need as I find myself in God our Father. “Well” is based on the line in an old hymn “Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say – ‘It is well, it is well with my soul!'” Sometimes life can get out of control, but if I can stop and lean on God and say “It is well with my soul” than what else really matters?

How have you implemented FULL and WELL into your life so far this year?
I’ve implemented this word into my life so far this year by taking time to build scripture and prayer into my daily habits by using the Tending List. Though I don’t check each box every single day, I have slowly started beginning my day by spending time in the word and by praying for my clients. I’ve seen an amazing change not only in my own life but in my business as a result!

What are you saying yes to this year?
To Jesus, to loving people well and to living a more balanced life.

And, what are you saying no to?
Comparison, negativity, depression and overwork.

Where do you want to be when you’re 80?
When I’m 80 I want to look back on a life of no regrets. I don’t want to see time wasted on what others deem “successful” or “right” – people and memories will matter much more when I’m 80 than work success and possessions. I also want to be healthy enough to travel, and I want to be surrounded by the ones I love.

Thank you so much, Carrie Joy, for sharing your words and beautiful photography! We’re cheering you on as your chase FULL and WELL this year!

Follow Carrie Joy at: and @carriejoyphoto

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