Meet Our Contributors – Meghan Coleman

Meet Our Contributors – Meghan Coleman

The LC Team is so excited to introduce our next PowerSheets Community Blog Contributor – Meghan Coleman! Over the next several months, Meghan will share openly about her PowerSheets journey. We hope that you’ll be encouraged by her progress over perfection, and can take away some of her tips for making the PowerSheets work best for her. We are excited for this community to get a glimpse into these PowerSheets users’ lives and how they’re making what matters happen. Get to know a little bit about Meghan below and stay tuned for her first contributor post in the coming weeks!

What’s your story in a few sentences?

I’m a wife to John, mama to Grace and Henry, a believer, a perpetual dreamer, lifelong learner and recovering perfectionist who loves love and all things gold. I just recently (read: last year) started fully embracing who I am and living life on purpose. I spend my days with my littles, wrapping up my Master’s degree, and slowly, but surely launching a hand lettering business, jules + henry. I love creating and spreading joy through my letters.

What’s your favorite color?

I will always gravitate toward shades of blue (navy and mint blue/teal are my ultimate favorites). Though, admittedly, I am totally digging pops of coral this spring.

What fires you up about spring?

Bright morning sunshine, fresh flowers (especially from the farmer’s market!) and lots of outdoor time with my family.

PowerSheets_Coleman Family

How long have you used the PowerSheets and how have they helped you in the past?

This is my third set of PowerSheets. The first two times I used PowerSheets, it became more of an outlet for me to process and understand some big life changes happening, start getting clear on what I really wanted, and truly start laying the foundation I needed to open up my heart in following my passions. Just writing everything down was immensely helpful.

This year has been all about dreaming big and setting small, achievable goals to help me along. It’s been about intentional living and giving myself grace if goals change or I don’t fill on line (or page!) in during any given month.

What is your favorite part of the PowerSheets?

I love, love, love the practicing gratitude part; establishing a regular gratitude practice has been transformative for me. I also love the three-month refresh section. The prompts were so great this spring in helping me track progress, re-evaluate goals and recharge for the new season ahead. Also, the stickers. Oh my, the stickers. Can I just say I love it ALL?!


Tell us about one of your goals for the year. 

Growing my business. I never saw entrepreneur in my dreams for myself, but now, I am SO excited to just dig in and give it a go. I’m both nervous AND excited and I know that’s exactly the right place to be right now. This last year has really taught me that beautiful things really do happen when you keep your heart open and follow your passions.

What is your favorite PowerSheets sticker? 

All of the gold foil stickers are my favorites. Gold is basically one of my love languages.

As a contributor, what encouragement can you give to our PowerSheets community?

Dream big, work hard, love big, and be yourself. You CAN do hard things. AND it’s absolutely okay to get messy with your PowerSheets! The best thing that could’ve happened to mine was my two littles getting a hold of them unexpectedly and scribbling on many of the pages. Just that little bit of imperfection was all I needed to allow myself to follow suit.


What’s your word for 2016?

The word I chose for 2016 is GROW. 2015 was such a pivotal year in my life with the birth of my son and deciding to change course in my career in favor of spending more time at home with my family. Those were two huge changes, so I gave myself plenty of grace just to settle into my new roles. 2016 is all about flourishing. For me, grow means coming into my own in my roles as wife and mama and entrepreneur. It also means that I love myself wholly, am growing in my faith, and am building connections and community with others around me.

Anything else our community should know about you? 

I’m a Minnesota girl through and through (born and raised and no, the cold isn’t actually that bad!). I’m also a total hugger and I’m left-handed. Three random, fun facts that basically sum up who I am.

Thank you so much, Meghan! We can’t wait to hear more about your PowerSheets journey!

Follow Meghan at: @julesandhenry @mlcoleman

Photography: Sally Gruman of Gruman Photography


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