Mattye’s PowerSheets Spring Recap

Mattye’s PowerSheets Spring Recap

Our goal for this community is to create a safe place for PowerSheets users to share their intentional goal-setting journeys. We’re honored to have our Blog Contributor, Mattye Woodcock share about her Spring PowerSheets progress. Thank you, Mattye, for taking the time to share your story with us! If you haven’t yet, be sure to read Mattye’s introduction here. – Laura

Hello PowerSheets friends!

I’m so excited to be here with you. I love PowerSheets for the purpose and direction they have helped cultivate in my life, and I get really fired up about locking arms with other women to encourage each other in making what matters happen.

We are just a month shy of completing the first half of 2016, a fact that makes my jaw drop to the floor. It’s also an exciting yet delicate point in my PowerSheets journey (This year, I’m using the one-year workbook set).

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It’s exciting because, after five months of consistently working through my PowerSheets, I am seeing some accomplished goals! (cue the exclamation points!!!)

  • Spiritual growth: I’ve been regularly reading the Bible with my One-Year Bible reading plan. I’ve also been attending a weekly prayer gathering with some girlfriends as we pray for our families and share our lives, and it’s opening up a whole new place in my heart.
  • My husband, Woody and I are continuing to settle into our home, and we have successfully set up our guest bedroom and already hosted two guests!
  • I’m growing and thriving in my writing projects beyond my personal blog and working toward starting a new writing company!
  • Woody and I have consistently had three date nights every month since February, and we are seeing great fruit of that in our marriage!
  • We have implemented a family calendar, and it is rocking our world in so many good ways.
  • I’m reading more consistently and it is fueling and inspiring me. This was something I really wanted to do more of this year, and I am so glad to see it happening!

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In addition to the excitement of progress, this point in my goals journey is also delicate. It can be easy to start feeling pretty good about myself and like I have a handle on this whole goal-setting thing. But, my friends, PowerSheets do not work on autopilot. Let me repeat: PowerSheets do not work on autopilot!

While I’m in the groove of accomplishing meaningful goals, it’s not the time to take a breather. Rather, it’s time to dig my heels in even deeper and keep going. This means being consistent with my monthly worksheets and tending lists, staying committed to the things that are working, and making adjustments where things are not working.

In some of the areas that aren’t going as I’d planned, I need to evaluate and change, while others I need to refocus and keep moving toward the goal.

Under my yearly goal of creating and producing more, I wrote that I wanted to illustrate and create more products for my online shop. That plan has taken a backseat to doing more writing. I’ve turned my attention to my writing company, and I am seeing progress and growth in myself and my work because of it. I am still accomplishing my goal of creating and producing, it just looks different than planned, and I have a peace with that.

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Another area that isn’t going as I’d intended is taking better care of myself through good eating and exercising. Healthy eating and exercise have been on my list for the past couple years, and while I’ve made progress, I’m still not where I’d like to be. I’m not beating myself up over this, but I’m not losing hope or focus either. There is still time to make progress in these areas. Even if the step I take is smaller than I expected, as long as it’s a step forward, it’s a win.

With the start of June, I’m excited to keep taking steps in the right direction while also refocusing on some areas that have been stagnant. I’m keeping the vision of who I want to be at the end of the year as inspiration to focus on daily, weekly, and monthly steps that will help create a 2016 that is imperfect, grace-filled, and incredibly purposeful.

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