Introducing the 2024 PowerSheets® Intentional Goal Planners!

Introducing the 2024 PowerSheets® Intentional Goal Planners!

At Cultivate What Matters, we help you uncover what truly matters and do something about it.

That's it. That's the idea that has animated our team from the beginning. You bring your dreams, your hopes, your fears, your heart, your smarts and creativity, and we bring time-tested, always-innovative tools and teaching to help you grow what matters. It's better when we grow together.

Last year, inspired by our 2023 Trellis cover, we introduced the idea of the PowerSheets as your goal trellis. 

In gardens around the world, a trellis is a strong support that allows plants to flourish:

  • Anchored and grounded, a trellis provides a guide for growth before seeds—tiny, tentative—are even planted. 
  • When the first tendrils pop their heads above the dirt, it's there to give them something firm to grow on.
  • With weeks of flourishing, the trellis almost disappears, hidden behind abundant blooms—but it's there in the background, lending support.

This is still the best analogy we've found for how PowerSheets and your goals work together. As you grow what matters, we're with you each step of the way: empowering you to set intentional goals, equipping you with delightful resources, and teaching you to live on purpose. The 2024 PowerSheets are made for YOU: a woman who desires an intentional life and is willing to do something about it. 

What will flourishing look like for you in 2024? No matter where you're headed, it starts here, with your choice of PowerSheets for a fresh year ahead. Behind each cover is our simple, guided process: 

  • Uncover a big-picture vision and the right goals for your unique life in the first section: the PowerSheets Prep Work.
  • Make a simple action plan for each of your goals to help you start well and follow through with ease.
  • Live it out, little by little, with the signature Monthly Tending Pages.

This week, we're thrilled to introduce you to the FIVE new covers for 2024 One-Year PowerSheets, two cover choices for 2024 90-Day PowerSheets, and two cover choices for the 2024 Fresh Start planner! Yes! We'll share much more about what's new on the inside soon (because that's where the real magic is!), but this week, we hope you feel inspired and excited about a fresh start.

First up: The five covers for 2024 One-Year PowerSheets!

One-Year PowerSheets are our bestselling and most-loved goal planner, and they remain the pick for gals who like to keep their goal planning in one designated (beautiful!) spot for an entire year and pair their goal planner with the daily or weekly planning option of their choice.

2024 One-Year PowerSheets Blush Blooms

BLUSH BLOOMS: It wouldn't be Cultivate without a flower-filled cover option! This elegant, joyful pattern offers something new for our bloom-loving Cultivators. With a soft pink background and touches of gold foil throughout, Blush Blooms will remind you that with solid roots comes great growth.

2024 One-Year PowerSheets Goal Planner Natural Linen

NATURAL LINEN: Natural Linen is back and better than ever! This light and earthy tone is a calming and understated option for our neutral-loving Cultivators. For the first time, even the tabs are beautifully muted, meaning this cover will fit seamlessly into every home and on every desk.

2024 One-Year PowerSheets Goal Planner Perennial

PERENNIAL: Like the purest summer sky, this twist on one of our most-popular covers ever (Clear Skies!) brings with it a year of clarity and peace. If you want to feel hopeful and content every time you think about your goals, Perennial is the pick for you.

2024 One-Year PowerSheets Goal Planner Jade

JADE: Sophisticated and full of quiet energy, Jade is a dynamothe color of growth, refreshment, and bold decisions. If you have big plans for the year ahead and are looking for a goal planner that can keep up, Jade will rise to the occasion. 

2024 One-Year PowerSheets Goal Planner Crocus

CROCUS: Last but certainly not least, we give you Crocus. Splashy, happy, and fun, this is your cover if you're ready to shake things up and splash into a new way of doing life in 2024! Choose Crocus for a year of creativity and growth.


TWO COVERS for the 2024 90-Day PowerSheets and 2024 Fresh Start Planners!

Need a PowerSheets refresher? You got it!

  • 90-Day PowerSheets: With slimmed-down Prep Work, a Tending List each month, and weekly undated planning pages, 90-Day PowerSheets have everything you need to dip your toe into goal setting or go deep on your goals. 
  • The Fresh Start Daily Planner: The Fresh Start combines the best elements of the PowerSheets (including the Tending List!) with the same daily planning pages as the Season by Season planner. Keep everything that matters in one place and start fresh each quarter!

Choose from IVY or LAVENDER for both of these 90-day PowerSheets options. The Fresh Start is available in both casebound and spiral bound options, while the 90-Day PowerSheets are a true lay-flat casebound cover.

2024 90-Day PowerSheets Goal Planner Ivy

IVY: Gracious and refreshing, the Ivy cover will set you up for a year of refinement— it will be a faithful sidekick as you commit to the things that really matter, and tend to them day by day. You'll be calm and collected if you choose Ivy!

2024 90-Day PowerSheets Goal Planner Lavender

LAVENDER: Lovely and confident—that's the Lavender cover! This soft hue manages to feel both playful and ambitious—the right mix for a year that's perfectly in balance.

2024 Fresh Start PowerSheets Goal Planner Daily Planner

We hope you love these covers as much as we do! Which one will you choose? We'll be back next week with more details about the insides of 2024 PowerSheets!


I am transitioning from my full focus planner to one planner for my business, family, and social media planning. I tried power sheets last year but was pulled into too many directions. I am anxious to try Power Sheets again for 2025 as my only goal-setting and tracking tool. When will 2025 releases be available?

Jennifer K Cooper

All the covers are beautiful and inspiring. Choosing is going to be the hard part because I want them all. I’m not usually indecisive but the colors and blooms are exciting and the neutral is so quietly elegant. Your design team and Emily really knocked it out of the park.

Leslie Galloway

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

Goal School

Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.