Introducing our Word of the Year

Introducing our Word of the Year

Each December, our team works through a set of company PowerSheets to help us navigate heading into the new year. Every team member has a voice, answering each question and prompt, including offering suggestions goals, encouraging words, and ideas for our Word of the Year.

Our word of the year is more than just a word we choose once and leave be. It’s displayed in the office, we remind each other of it during team meetings, and each team members has a slip of paper with our core values and WOTY on it attached to her computer. We take choosing our Word of the Year seriously, though we also know there is room for flexibility in the PowerSheets Goal Refresh every three months! And judging by the number of you discussing your Word of the Year in the Facebook Group, I’d say you feel similarly!

I’m excited to share our team’s Word of the Year today, and more importantly, why we view it as an opportunity for each of you, too.

When Lara shared the Hebrew root of the word RISE during our conversation, it all clicked for us:

To abide or accomplish
To confirm
To be clearer
To raise up
To strengthen
To succeed
To build
To make binding
To carry out
To make good

Each product in our shop is intentional. We create them to help YOU cultivate what matters in your life, right where you are. Whether you’re looking to cultivate your marriage, your friendships, your faith, your family, or set good goals, our hope is to provide products and resources to encourage you along the way.

This year, more than ever before, our team is rising up to our potential. It’s a year of growth for us–a year of stepping into the unknown. A year of saying no to doing what’s always worked, and saying yes to what makes our heart sing. A year of saying yes to hiring new team members. A year of humbly serving others. A year of embracing challenges as opportunities, and having a lot of fun along the way. Most of all, it’s a year of continually growing ourselves and our impact, not for the sake of growth, but because each of us firmly believe that our mission can encourage each and every woman on this planet.

Our favorite part about the word RISE? It means we get to take other with us. Like the aphorism says, “a rising tide lifts all boats.” As we enter into 2018 prepared to make good on our mission to encourage and equip you to cultivate what matters, we look forward to knowing we’re doing it alongside an incredible community–each of you! As our team steps out in faith to rise to our potential, we’re asking you to do the same alongside us, believing the best is yet to come.

Your turn! Have you chosen your word of the year yet? If so, I’d leave it in the comments and let us know! If not, what are you leaning towards? We want to hear from you!

Feeling stumped on your word of the year? We wrote a blog post earlier this year with some of our best tips for choosing your word of the year.

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