How To Use Stickers In Your PowerSheets and Planner

How To Use Stickers In Your PowerSheets and Planner

If you’ve seen my PowerSheets or calendar on Instagram, you know that I’m a big fan of my favorite black pen. A year ago, I probably would have scoffed at the idea of using color in my planner or PowerSheets, but I’ve been converted after using our Cultivate What Matters Sticker Book for the past eight months! I’m here to share some of the ways I use stickers in my PowerSheets and Simplified Planner, and I’d love to hear from you, too!

PowerSheets Prep Day Stickers: We’ve said over and over again that we created our sticker book to be intentional, and I’d argue that this is one of the most intentional stickers in the whole book! I add a PowerSheets Prep Day sticker to my planner on the last Friday of each month to remind me to prepare well for the month ahead!

Establish a monthly planning day. This doesn’t have to take a long time, but try to spend an hour at the beginning of the month looking at your calendar and PowerSheets. Tip: Do it right after you finish your PowerSheets prep for efficiency! Mark any upcoming birthdays, appointments, meetings, bills, coffee or play dates with stickers on your monthly calendar spread so you can visually see what’s in store for the month. This will help you see the whole month at a glance, and prioritize or reschedule if you find one week is filling up faster than others.

Keep the stickers accessible! You won’t use the stickers if they aren’t near your PowerSheets or planner, so keep them together! I tore the page of stickers you see above out of my book, and I keep it in the front pocket of my planner. If I add a meeting, appointment, or get a bill notification, it’s easy for me to add that to my calendar right then and there!

Use them to celebrate. Celebrating often conjures up this grand idea of throwing a party, going on a trip, or spending a lot of money, but what if we celebrated in a smaller way (and more frequently!?) While filling out my August PowerSheets, I decided that I wanted to try to use some of my stickers to mark my progress this month. I’m going to start by using the shopping cart sticker for my weekly goal of meal planning and prepping. Each time I put a sticker on my PowerSheets, I’ll be reminded of the little by little progress!

Have fun! Don’t take yourself too seriously! Use the stickers because they are exciting and help you focus on what matters, but don’t get overwhelmed by making it look perfect! This is your planner, not a work of art! If you put too much pressure on yourself, you’ll never even start!

Now through July 31st, everything in the Cultivate Shop is 25% off-no code needed! If you’re as big of a fan of the sticker book as I am, now is the time to stock up. We are releasing a new sticker book at the end of the year, so when this one is gone, it’s gone!

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