How to Use PowerSheets in Retirement

How to Use PowerSheets in Retirement

A hallmark of the PowerSheets® Goal Planner is its flexibility. Whether you're a business owner, a college student, a stay-at-home mama, a corporate gal, or newly retired, you can use it to achieve the goals that matter most to you! Over the next few weeks, we're going to give you a peek into how PowerSheets can be used for different types of goals. Today, I'm thrilled to share a little bit about how Leslie uses her PowerSheets as a new empty nester!

Though many people think of small business owners and creative entrepreneurs using PowerSheets (and because of our own roots, we have a huge heart for serving those gals!), it's been neat to see those in other life stages embrace them over the years, too. The PowerSheets processuncovering your priorities, setting a big-picture vision, and embracing what fills you with joy and purposeis actually quite perfect for those entering a new stage of life, like retirement or a newly-empty home!

The PowerSheets user: Leslie Pace is from Oklahoma City. She's been married 22 years, and as of August 2020 is an empty nester.

Her goals for 2020: Grow in Christ's love as a woman, a wife, a mom, and a friend; Continue to work toward my goal weight; Exercise my mind with more reading and less TV; Define my personal and home style; Cultivate a home where my children are always welcome and loved no matter where they are on their journey; Start a successful business where I can focus on my creative art and inspire others in my community; and Continue to nurture my marriage and adore my husband.

How she has broken her big goals down: My monthly goals have included sending special treats, notes, words of affirmation, and care packages to my girls in college; setting and reviewing business goals; defining my personal style; making a declutter schedule for our home (while keeping the girls' rooms their own for now); and celebrating the victories and special events of family and friends.

Weekly, I've had goals of cleaning maintenance; a decluttering focus of the week; one meal a week for friends and neighbors; a date night with my husband; FaceTiming with my girls; praise and worship at church; weekly coffee chats with friends; creating something new at the art studio; teaching two classes/workshops a week; exercise or walk 3-5 days; and reading 30 minutes a day.

My daily goals have included eating a plant-based protein diet, devotional and journal, checking in with my planner, affirmation for my husband, texting or calling my kids with encouragement, and reading 30 minutes.

How have PowerSheets helped you make progress in your goals? I am very proud of my daughters, but also very aware that the majority of my time, goals, and friends revolve around them. I’m also aware that I will always be their Mom and our relationship will continue to grow as they become adults. In 2018, with empty nesting around the corner, I began reassessing my goals with the help of my PowerSheets, and is has been a soul-searching time. With the guidance of PowerSheets, I've been able to work towards new and old goals with structure and focus, a little at a time.

As a result, I did open my business in the summer of 2019. I’ve realized I’m more than just a mom. My marriage continues to grow stronger. Friendships don’t evolve around just my kiddos. My daughters look to me for guidance (although I think the days of giving permission are over, ha!). The harder I work on “me," the better I’m able to serve my family and friends. The PowerSheets help me to make this possible.

This season of life is about transitions, for everyonesimilar to when they were born. I’ve just begun my empty nest life and I still experience sadness some days  because I miss them. I'll call or text them funny pictures of our dogs, or call a friend who may be feeling down, as well. My Tending List helps me to stay focused, and to count a little progress as a victory. I love to celebrate the wins, big or small. 

I’m looking forward to the 2021 PowerSheets, as it will be a new experience working on them when the kids are actually out of the home. Before, I was preparing for the empty nest. Now, I’m actually at the beginning of it. 

Thank you so much for sharing, Leslie! We can't wait to see what this new chapter of life holds for you.

P.S. How to Use PowerSheets for Business Goals and How to Use PowerSheets for Finance Goals

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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