Goal-Setting Tip Number One

Goal-Setting Tip Number One

by: Cultivate Team

How often do you feel like it’s the middle of the month and you haven’t worked on your PowerSheets Monthly Prep yet? It can be overwhelming to feel behind, so we want to share a Tending Tip with you: Put a recurring date on your calendar to work on PowerSheets for the rest of 2017!

The Cultivate Team carves out time at the end of each month and marks it on the company calendar (#PowerSheetsParty) for this reason! It’s always the last Friday of the month, and we spend the morning reviewing our 2017 goals, our progress from the past month, and digging into setting new monthly, weekly, and daily goals for the coming month.

We love sharing our PowerSheets Party Prep on Cultivate What Matters Instagram stories each time, too! Join us this Friday, January 27th to follow along and set your February goals with us!

One of our favorite parts of the new Cultivate What Matters Sticker Book is how the stickers are both fun and meaningful, too! We’ve included PowerSheets Prep stickers for you to add to your planner to remind you of these days!

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