Everything You Want to Know About the Girls Goal Planner

Everything You Want to Know About the Girls Goal Planner

by: Emily Thomas

Shop the NEW Girls Goal Planner now!

Here's the interesting thing about launching a new product: when you come up with the idea, and write the content, and do the market research, and make design decisions, you really have no way of knowing what the world will look like when you deliver it into the hands of customers (many months or even years later!). Certainly, Team Cultivate had no idea we'd be in the middle of a global pandemic when we began talking about the Girls Goal Planner early last year! 

Though we'd never choose for the world to look like it does, we've been saying over and over for the last few weeks how grateful we are that THIS product is launching right now. After all, your favorite girl has been through a lot in this time, too. Her routines are out of whack. She's figuring out online school and Zoom gymnastics class. She misses her friends! 

Through it all, you want to show her that her best years don't have to be perfect. Her best yearsand yours!are built on character. They're marked by her resilience. They are filled with gratitude and grace. What a gift to get to come alongside our girls and help them come through this stronger, more confident, and more focused on what matters in life! 

Plus, with much of life canceled, her Girls Goal Planner will be an even more beloved sidekicksomething to help her look forward with hope to what's ahead, and as a keepsake for this unique season. (Lara's daughter, Grace, has been writing down memorable moments from her week, like Zoom calls with her class and FaceTiming with a friend!) Coming from a parent or loved one, it also says to your girl, "I see you. I believe in you. I'm excited for what's ahead for you."

If you can't wait to gift your girl this brand-new tool, read on for all the detailseverything you need to know about Cultivate's Girls Goal Planner!

Who is the Girls Goal Planner for?
The Girls Goal Planner is for your favorite girlyour daughter, your granddaughter, your goddaughter, your niece, your student! It's best for girls ages 8-13.

Is this a daily/weekly planner or a goal planner? It's both! Most of the book is made up of weekly planner pages. In addition, each month includes a (fun!) character-focused activity as well as a simple tracker to help her work toward a goal or habit. The Girls Goal Planner incorporates the best of the PowerSheets® teaching in an age-appropriate and engaging way.

How long does the planner last? The Girls Goal Planner includes 12 months of weekly planning pages and activities.

What exactly is inside the planner? How does it work? So much goodness! The Girls Goal Planner follows a simple three-step process: dream big, set your goals, and live them out. First, your girl will fill in a few fun activity pages that will help her celebrate her unique traits and get excited for what's ahead. Then, she'll identify a few ways she hopes to grow in the year aheadher goals! Finally, she'll use her weekly planner pages, monthly calendar spreads, 12 character-building activities, and lots of coloring pages to live out a really intentional and joyful year.

Why did you decide to create the Girls Goal Planner? Our community asked us for it! Over and over, we hear "I wish I had learned these things when I was youngerit would have saved me so much wasted time!" We believe the foundational teachings of Cultivate and the PowerSheetslike the power of little-by-little progress, prioritizing relationships over achievement, and the importance of pointing your actions toward a bigger-picture vision for your lifeare perfect for a younger audience, too.

What elements of PowerSheets are in the Girls Goal Planner? The Girls Goal Planner includes a modified and age-appropriate version of Prep Work and the Tending List. Throughout, there are elements of the PowerSheets teaching you know and love: that imperfect progress is powerful, that relationships are more important than achievement, and that a key to living a joyful, meaningful life is to remind yourself of what matters in the big picture.

Is this a Christian product? The Girls Goal Planner is perfect for any girl! It doesn't have any faith references.

Can my 5/6 year old use it even if they don't read or write yet? While we're sure your girl would love the coloring pages, a little lady who can read and write independently will get the most out of the Girls Goal Planner.

My daughter is kind of a perfectionist. I don't want this to stress her out more. Will it? Great question! We believe the Girls Goal Planner will help her curb those tendencies through encouraging imperfect progress and persisting even when she struggles, and emphasizing the importance of relationships over achievements.

Is this a product I can do alongside my daughter? Each Girls Goal Planner includes a special insert card for parents with tips for how best to come alongside your daughter and her planner. While we encourage you to give your girl the space to make this planner her own, you as the parent play an important role in encouraging her use of it and what's she's learning. Plus, if you're a PowerSheets user, we love the idea of sitting down together each week or month to fill out a few pages together!

Are these journal prompts, or is there also teaching included? Each activity spread (as well as the activity pages at the beginning of the planner) includes a mix of short, impactful teaching and hands-on reflection.

Can I pre-order? While we aren't doing pre-orders for this product, you can sign up to be notified just as soon as the Girls Goal Planner is available here. The Girls Goal Planner will be available May 13 at 10 am ET in our shop.

Can my daughter use PowerSheets instead? If your daughter is in high school or above, she's ready for PowerSheets. For ages 8-13, we recommend the Girls Goal Planner.

Will it be available for the whole year? The Girls Goal Planner will be available until it sells out. It's undated, so your girl can start anytime she'd like!

Are there stickers included? You know us so well! Four pages of bright and beautiful stickers are included.

Want to try out a few spreads from the Girls Goal Planner right now? Here you go!

Any other questions we can answer about the Girls Goal Planner? Leave them belowwe can't wait to chat with you!

P.S. How to set goals with your kids

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.