2018 Goals Round-Up

2018 Goals Round-Up

Can I tell you a secret? One of my favorite parts of my role as Community Manager is coming across your PowerSheets when browsing the PowerSheets hashtag or spending time in the PowerSheets Facebook Group! (Seriously, if you need some encouragement, just head over there!) My particular favorites are reading each of your blog posts about your annual and monthly goals! I love when you share them on social media or in the PowerSheets Facebook group, and we love rounding up some of your goals each month on the blog!

We’re kicking off 2018 strong–with a combination of some 2018 goals and January goals below. The best part about the PowerSheets is they can be used by anyone in any season of life. We hope these round-ups give you some inspiration for making progress on your own unique goals this year!

Keep sharing your goals with us! We love knowing what you’re working towards, and it helps us plan content that will be most beneficial to you!

Photo by our friend Lindsey

Is cultivating your finances on your 2018 Goals? If so, check out AJ’s daily goal! It might be a great one to add to your Tending List!

Thuy and I have an overlapping goal this year to take 100 barre classes, so I’m particularly excited to cheer  her on!

Setting goals can seem pretty easy with the PowerSheets process (if you put in the work), but sometimes the first step is the hardest! Mattie outlined her 2018 goals, and a few initial action steps she’s taking to make them happen.

I love reading Diana’s goal recaps because she shares openly and honestly about her progress (not perfection!) Check out her December recap, and read her first set of goals for January!

Photo by our friend Levi and Clementine

Reyna’s color-coded 2018 goals has my heart singing!

Need a pep talk about why there’s nothing magical about January 1st? Head to Chelsey’s post to read all about how she approaches her goals!

Starting steps are key to keeping up with momentum and not trying to do everything at once. Check out Kory’s starting steps for her six goals!

Lindsay’s broader, overarching goals guide her on a path of becoming who she wants to be, and I love how she thought holistically when creating them!

If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, we’d love to see them! Feel free to drop them in the comments, too-no fancy blog required! We can’t wait to take a peek and cheer you on!

Don’t have PowerSheets yet, and feeling behind? You’re in luck! We have our Six-Month PowerSheets Goal Planner available in three fun colors–Poppy Pink, Teal, and White! These are undated, and they’re shipping now, so you can dig in as soon as you get them!

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