Your New Year Starts Now - Let's End This Year Well!

Your New Year Starts Now - Let's End This Year Well!

by: Emily Thomas

Friends, we've got about 100 days to go until we welcome a new year. You've been hard at work on your goals this yearmaking little-by-little progress. You want to finish this year WELL. You want to finish it STRONG. You want to know that you are not the same person who woke up on January 1, 2022.

Guess what? No matter what happened in the last nine months, we ALL have the same three months left in the year, and we can all use them well. And though there's nothing magical about January 1st, how amazing will it feel to wake up on New Year's Day, knowing that you are already on your way to living a life that has you bursting with excitement?

Imagine how much momentum you'll have if you round the bend of the year having already succeeded at something that mattered to youhaving renewed that relationship, mastered that thing, kicked that negative habit to the curve, incorporated that healthy habit into your life for good? Imagine how great that will feel, and how excited you'll be to dig into your first month of PowerSheets®!

That momentum starts now, and it starts together! There are two starting linespick the one that best describes you:

Starting line one: You've made progress on your goals over the last few months (hooray!) and want to bring them to completion. Three steps for you:

  1. Using your Goal Action Pages in your PowerSheets (or, if they're full, a notepad), write down what it would look like to complete your goal by December 31st. Fill out your final Goal Refresh for the year to focus in on what's most important in these last 100 days! 

    Research showsand high-stakes organizations knowour brains can only focus intently on a long-form project or big-picture goal for 90 days, which is why we include a Goal Refresh in your PowerSheets every three months!

  2. Then, write out the small steps that need to happen to get to the finish linethat vision you just wrote down. Break those steps down, and then break them down more, until you have total clarity on how you'll get there!

  3. Flip to pages 50-51your Yearly Overview. Divide those small steps between October, November, and December so that you have a realistic plan for what can be completed when. Add those steps to your Tending List and your to do list, and start checking them off!

Did you catch the cover reveal last week?! There are five 2023 PowerSheets covers for you to choose from on October 12th! See them all here!

Starting line two: Goals? What goals? No matter what's happened the rest of the year, you're ready to start fresh and make something good happen before December 31st. Your three steps:

  1. Believe that just because you've fallen into a bad routine or bad habit, you don't have to stay there. You do not have to wait until January 1st. There is nothing magical about January 1st! Decide you can change NOW.

  2. Identify ONE pain point in your life. What is ONE thing that's not as you hope it could be? Are you struggling to find time to exercise? Scrolling on your phone every evening? Running around like crazy every morning? Spending too much on eating out? Eating too much junk? Identify that one thing.

  3. Commit to your one thing, and then follow the three steps above to make a plan to change it by the end of the year.

Friends, the last three months of the year can be stressful. They're busy, there's often family drama involved, and there are commitments pressing on us from all sides. In these months more than ever, if we don't plan our time, it will plan us.

So, take a minute today to make a plan to end 2022 STRONG and with momentum. Let's make these last three months count. We'll be with you every step of the way, cheering you on!

P.S. Want some encouragement for what can happen in the last 100 days of the year? Here are a few things PowerSheets users shared with us that they're planning to tackle in these next three months to finish this year well!

Safely train for a half marathon! - @mkel31
Complete a Write the Word journal! - @jmbv528
A 12-week intensive semester at my university! - @hannah_gracia
Cultivate my relationship with my neighbors, getting to know them! - @dmpfromri
Learn to ride a horse! - @cristalr24
Finish writing my PhD dissertation! - @phdinplanning
Create my first ever digital course! - @magneticmanifesting
Learn how to knit! - @ashleyvbeine
Get to a new level of my foreign language class! - @jennyfulford_

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.